Chapter 19

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He lunges towards me, and hits me with the lamp. This causes a big gash from the left side of my forehead, to the right side of my nose. I yell in pain. Blood from my wound stings my eye.

He's just about to bring another blow, but I doge it. I run to the doors, and yank on them. Oh yeah, Len locked it.... I'm suck a baka! "You're going nowhere~," he coos, creeping his way towards me. "Shut up," I snap at him.

Once he gets to me, he drops the lamp and takes out a knife. My eyes widen in horror and I shove him away as hard as I can. He stumbles over his own feet, and falls face first into the corner of the dresser. His body crumbles to the floor with a loud thud and a grunt.

"Len?" No response. I think I killed him.... I slowly make my way to him. He's laying face down on the floor with blood starting to pool around his head. I gently nudge him with my foot and earn a groan. "Len... I'm sorry..." I whisper and down by his side, gently turn him over.

A big chunk was taken out of his right temple. I stroke his cheek, and think of what to do to help him. First, I should clean his wound. Going to the bathroom, I wet a wash cloth, and go back to his side. I gently wipe the cut, cleaning it. Then I find some bandages and rap them around his head. It's not as good as what a nurse would do, but it's good enough.

Next, I drag him over and onto the bed. Trust me, it was not easy to do.

I sigh, and lay next to him, waiting until he comes too. My eyes start to feel heavy, and slowly, I fall asleep.



Something tugs me closer, pulling me into it's embrace. "I'm sorry..." It strokes my hair. I slowly make my way out of my slumber. "Kai?" Len says. "Wha?" I open my eyes slowly. He hugs me tightly. "I thought you left me..." I roll my eyes. "Even if I try to leave, you'll always hunt me down."

He slowly unties my dress. "No...." I push his hands away. Len doesn't listen, and kisses me. I instantly melt in his arms. I kiss back as he slowly takes off the dress.

After that, we basically have sex cuz yeah... I suck...

*~* I know, I suck. I basically chickened out at the moment.... I too get mad when people say 'use ur imagination.' But, I didn't say that. HaHA! So, technically, you can't get made at meh. Later on, if I get enough confidence (which I don't have and will never have) I'll do it. So, ttfn ma cupcakes! *~*

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