Chapter 10

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*~* YAY!!!! I MADE IT TO CHAPER TEN WITHOUT GIVING UP!!!! sorry. it's a big achievement for meh... But, I couldn't have done it with out you guys! XD CAKE FOR EVERYONE!!!! -dude from fat princess- AWESOME GAME, BTW!!!! *~*

Once Len saw me, he stopped and his mouth dropped open, drool rolls down his chin. "Look! Psycho Kid's drooling!" someone blurts out. Len looks at the guy, and tries to lunge at him, but is stopped by the guards. "Oh~ he's so~ tough!" the man laughs, making everyone but me and Len laugh. That's not funny...

The guards shove a struggling Len to my table. "Hey babe," he winks at me, flopping down on the bench across from me. How come he's like this? I ask too many questions... The guy next to me, rolls his eyes. "Guy is jelly~" Len says, nodding towards him. "First, my name is ((COME ON!!! THINK OF A RANDOM NAME!!!)) Dell Honne. Second, I'm not jealous. Third, I'm not hand cuffed, so I can hurt you."

Len snickers. "This guy is crazy~! Let's sit somewhere where this freak ain't at," he tries to stand, but the guards shove him back down. Dell's the one to snicker this time. Len glares at him.

After lunch, they send everyone to the Courtyard, but me, Len, and Dell. Instead, they send us to a white room that's padded everywhere, and has no windows. They take our cuffs off, and let us rome the room.

I sit next to Len, on the soft, comfy floor. "Len," I get his attention. "Stay away from him," he stares at Dell from across the room. "Yesh, Lenny. But I don't like this place. We have ta get out," I whisper to him.

He looks at me like I'm crazy. "You're right. Bad idea," I look down. The crazy grin finds it's way back to his face. "No. Let's escape together!" "shhh..." I shush him. Dell looks over at us. I wave at him, and he looks away again.

"Okay. Yes, we escape together. Then, we can run away, go live somewhere far away together," I turn back to him. I see he still has that look. So, I copy him. "That's my girl!" Len laughs crazily and hugs me tight. I return the hug.

*~* Another thanks to you guys! XD I now have 300+ reads on this. And, this is also, I think, second update today. YAY!!! *~*

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