Chapter 14

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*~* who's ready for an update~? I AM!!! *~*

When I wake the next day, Len was no where to be seen. I started to panic. 'Did he leave me here all by my self. No, I don't think he would do that,' I was thinking. 'Maybe he went to get food or something...'

So I waited for a few minutes. After about five minutes, Len comes bursting through the doors. "Len!" I run to him and hug him. "Miss me?" he chuckles. "Yeah. I thought you left me. what in that?" I point to a suitcase he has in his hand. "Oh, just something's I grabbed from home," he gins.

"You didn't kill anyone, did you?" I ask. I don't see any blood on him, and his hair is dripping wet. He could have taken a shower after his kill. "Nope," he pops the 'p'.


Lately I've been hearing that Len kidnaped Cola, and took her somewhere. I always knew he had a thing for her. But I'm worried... Maybe he took her somewhere and raped her, then killed her. Or, or maybe he killed her, then raped her! I always knew Len was cray cray. And that's because I'm always right!

When I stepped outside to get some fresh air, I see a box. Oh~ a box! Is for me? I hope it is. Before I look to see who it's for or from. I take it to my room. Must be fan mail, because it's just a little bit heavy.

I put the box up to my ear, and shake it. It smells kinda funny... Oh well! I look at the tag. It reads: 'To Miku. From Len. - I should have taken your advice earlier. But I think it's a good time now-'

Fan mail from Len!? But I thought- eh, whatever. It's fan mail. What could possibly go wrong?

I take out scissors, and open the package as fast as I could. I looked in and- AH! CAT HEADS!? I throw the box across my room, and run out. I still have the scissors in my hands. Now, what did mom and dad say about running with scissors facing up?

Just as I got to the stairs, I trip and fall, landing on the scissors when I hit the bottom. The scissors went into my stomach. "Miku, what did I say about sleeping at the bottom of the stairs!?" Mikou yells at me. I just cough up blood for an answer. "M-miku!?"


During the meanwhile, me and Len got dressed in different clothes. His almost look the same, but are black and grey. He dies his hair black, and I just put in a long braid extension. "Hi. My name is Rei," Len says, turning to me when he finishes. "Sup, I'm Colako," I say, fixing the skirt Len brought me. I wonder how he got my cousins clothes...


After I placed the box of cat heads on Miku's porch, I run into my cousin and Cola's cousin in the park. "Hey, Rei," I walk up to them. He sighs, "Can't you see that I'm busy?" I look down and see he's holding hands with Ko. "You know, Ko is a guy, right?" I ask.

"No I'm not!" Ko yells. "Shhh... it's okay," Rei hugs him. After a while of Ko crying his eyes out, I take a look in his bag. In his bag is a cupcake. Perfect!

"Hey, Ko, if you stop crying and give me your clothes, I'll give you this," I hold up the cupcake. His eyes widen. "C-CUPCAKE!" I chuckle. "Ko, don't do this," Rei says. "I must!" Ko starts striping in the middle of the park.

"Ko! You said you were a girl!" Rei yells. "I told you," I hand the cupcake over. "Now... your clothes." "No!" Rei screams. "Shut up, bitch!" Ko punches Rei in the face, knocking him out. "I wanna enjoy this treat in PEACE!"

I start to take Rei's clothes. "Here," Ko hands me his braid. "This is fake?" I ask. "Nope. I just cut it off with that bloody knife you have in your bag. I know what's going on. If you ever need anything, just get me," he says, dragging a half naked Rei away.


"So you're saying that Rei didn't know my cousin was a guy?" I laugh. "Yeah. But what he was wearing did make him look like a girl. The skirt, the knee high tights, the shirt and hair," he replies. I nod. I do have a really weird cousin. But it's good that he's gonna help us out.

As we are walking, I feel something on my leg. I tug on Len's hand to make him stop walking. I look down, and on the ground next to me, is the Rin and Len dolls with a book.

I pick them up. "They must want to come with us," I say picking them up. I knew there was something magical about those two. I place the book in Ko's book bag, then start to walk with Len, with the dolls in my arms.

That One Guy Named Len Kagamine (Vocaloid Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now