Chapter 18

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While I wait for Len to come back, a maid comes in. "Good evening, miss," she bows. "Good evening," I say back. "The queen wanted you to have this," she hands me a dress. "Thank you," I say, before the maid bows and leaves again.

I unfold the silky dress carefully so that I don't damage it. It's blue and purple, with a big, red sateen bow that ties in the back.

I go into Len's bathroom, and take a nice, quick shower. If Len gets back, I don't want him having to wait for me. When I get out, I brush my hair and change into the dress. It fits perfectly.

Going back into the bedroom, I see that Len isn't back. Maybe while I wait some more, I could go and get my stuff from the other room. Seems like a good idea.

I open the door just a little bit so I could peek out. I don't see anyone. Now I could do what I always wanted to do. Run down the long halls of a castle. When I was little, and still had parents, we went to a big castle for tours. Many times I tried to run in it, but I would get caught by someone. But, since no one's around, here's my chance.

I open the door more, and start running down the hall. My bare feet are pitter-pattering on the red carpet that runs down the marble floors. This is as fun as I thought it would be. I feel free. But not for long...

Just as I turn the corner, I run into someone. "Cola!? I thought I told you to stay in the room!" "I'm sorry, Len. I just wanted to get my stuff," I rub my head. He sits up, with me on his lap. There's a big frown on his face, and his messy, blonde fringe covering his eyes so I can't really tell what he's thinking.

I slowly make my way off him, and dust myself off. As he stands up, I see that there's this tiny box in his hand. "What's that?" I point to it. He crams it into his pocket, "Nothing..."

Len then takes my hand, and leads me back to his room. When we get back, he closes the door, and locks it. "Now what are we doing?" He turns to me, his blue orbs peeking through his hair. "Oh, nothing. I'm just locking the door so someone can't try to get away again," he has this dark and eerie edge in his voice.

I know who he's talking about. "I didn't try to get away." "Bullshit! Yes you did! I even saw you with my own eyes!" he yells. "It doesn't mean that I was trying to get away! I was going to get my stuff!" "Your room is straight down the hall from mine! If you where just getting your stuff, you would've not turned down the other hallway!" Oh.... whoops....

I look down at the floor, feeling his hard glare burn through me. "Look at me," he says, calmly. I don't want to look at him right now. "Look. At. Me!" I still refuse. He walks over, grabs my chin, and pries my head up so that we're eye level. "Didn't you hear me!?" I nod. "Well, then what did I say?" I don't answer. I'm too mad right now to answer him. "I said, LOOK AT ME!!!!" he slaps me across the face.

The impact from the slap sends me to the floor. "I hate you!" I scream, tears starting to sting my eyes. He grabs my hair, and yanks me to my feet. "What did you say!?" he yells in my face. "I hate you!" I shove him away from me.

He picks up a lamp and growls something under his breath. Then he lunges towards me.

*~* Hayo! I think I'll leave you guys hanging with that. Just to let you know, this chapter was a filler that will go to another awesome idea that a fellow cupcake gave me. I hope you enjoyed. If you did, please comment, like, or subscribe. Er... I mean, comment, like, or follow. This isn't YouTube, Colakai! Bye for now, my cupcakes X3 *~*

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