Chapter 2

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After I got home, I see Meiko sitting on the couch. "Hello Meiko," I wave. "Hey runt," she takes a sip from her sake. "Where's Kaito?" I ask. "Getting me some more drinks," she responded. I nod and head up to my room. Geez, I hope she gave him money...

I walk over and flop on my bed. As I relax, I think about the guy from the coffee shop. Was Teto right about saying it was Len? Maybe Rin knows if he want there. I takeout my cell, and text her. "Hey Rin. I have a question for you," I text. I wait a few minutes until my cell goes off. "Hi. What's the question?" "I was wondering if your brother (or mirror image) went to the coffee shop today." "I believe so. I'll ask him." After a few minutes, she texts back. "He did. He said he saw you there. Hey, want to spend the night tonight?" "Sure, I'll be over in a few." Then I got up and packed up for the night. Skipping out the front door, I yell to Meiko. "Tell Kaito I'm at the Kagamine's!" Although she was passed out on the floor.

Rin's house was just two blocks away from mine, so it's pretty easy to get to. Once I got to her house, I feel like I'm being watched. I look up at one of the windows and see Len's piercing blue eyes meet mine. I smile and wave, but he just backs out of the window so I can't see him. Walking up to the door, I knock on it. A guy opens the door. It's Rinto. "Hey Rinto. I didn't know you were in town, " I say, hugging him. He hugs back with a smile. "Well you know now. Lenka's here, too. Come in," he opens the door more.

Stepping in, I'm greeted by getting tackled by Rin and Lenka. "Hey guys," I laugh. "Hello," they laugh. As we help each other off the floor, Len comes creeping down the stairs. "Hi Len," I say, dusting myself off. He looks at me and stops, halfway down the stairs. "Are you joining us?" Lenka asks him. He looks down as in thinking, then he heads back upstairs without a word. "Huh, guess not," Rin shrugs. "Let's watch a movie!" Ringo says, running over to grab a movie from the shelf. "What movie is it?" I ask. "Zombie Land," he says. "Ew! No. I hated that movie," Run says, taking from him. "How about..." she looks through the shelves, "Justin Berber: Never Say Never?" Lenka squeals, jumping up and down. "Oh, oh! Yes!" Me and Rinto look at each other. "How about, you and Lenka watch that movie, and me and Cola watch another?" Rinto says. We all agree. So, Rin and Lenka go to Rin's room to watch their movie, and Rinto and I watch Zombie Land.

For hours, we watch random movies. Rinto falls asleep by the time we get to the middle of Men in Black III. When the movie ends, I look at the clock. 11:46 pm it reads. I should get to sleep. Walking up to Rin's room, where my stuff is, I see Len's door is open and the lights are on. I go over to his room to say goodnight. I look in, but he's not in here. I go over and sit in a chair to wait for him. I close my eyes, accidentally falling sleep.

*~* Sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I know this chapter was boring. *~*

That One Guy Named Len Kagamine (Vocaloid Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt