Hello... again!

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Hello fellow wattpaders! If that is even a word...

Anyways, I've been thinking of writing a new Percy Jackson At Hogwarts book. If you're asking, "So... you'll stop writing this series?". No, I am still going to continue this series. But the other book would be different. Percy won't be a teacher, but probably a student.

And I'm thinking of writing a new one because.

1. If you're like me, you probably already have read majority of Percy Jackson at Hogwarts books... I'm just adding a new book so that readers won't run out of things to read.

2. Because I want to improve my writing skills with something I'm comfortable with, which is in this case WRITING PERCY JACKSON FANFIC!

3. Because why not.

4. ... there's no number 4

5. I want to experience writing Percy as a student.

And that's about it.

I will upload the story once I finish the second book of this series, and a spoiler alert, there will be a third book for this series.

I will update you guys more on this book when I'm almost done with the second book, which mit make the second book's updates faster...

Anyways, goodbye fellow readers!

Percy Jackson at Hogwarts {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now