Chapter 2: Night To Remember

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(Nicholas's POV 🔘)

"I'll have a Coca-Cola light ice please," I say once the waiter reaches our table.

Khyairee and Johnni were both sitting across from me drinking heavy liquor.

"So, how is everyone? It's so silent," says Khya after sipping on her watermelon martini.

"Oh .....uhhh ...I'm fine yes," says Johnni scarily.

"Everything okay girl?" I ask.

"Everything's fine. Just uhhh ....uhmmm can I be excused for just a minute ?" Johnni then asks.

"Yeah sure? Why not?" I ask.

Johnni gets up and leaves the table without any last words and Khya and I are both left confused.

"What was that all about?" Khyairee asks.

"I know nothing," I reply.

I see Johnni typing frantically on her phone and see tears streaming down both sides of her face. I wonder what's wrong with her. She seemed fine earlier in the day, but she's been acting really out of place lately.

"Should we go talk to her?" I ask Khya.

"Let's just give her a minute," she whispers.

I nod my head in agreement. Maybe something is really wrong with Johnni that we can't know about.

"You guys just about ready to order?" Asks the female waitress with blonde hair and an amazing smile.

"Uhm yeah. I'll have chicken tenders and fries with honey mustard please," I say while looking at Johnni wipe her tears.

"I'll have a steak medium-well done and fries also," Khyairee orders.

"Alrighty I'll be back shortly," the waitress then says.

"So we're not going to go and tell Johnni that she just missed her opportunity to order?" I say aloud.

"She can always just go and put in her order up front it's no big-,"

"Guys can you excuse me this one night. I know I agreed to be here with you guys but I really have to go," Johnni interrupts.

"Go where? Johnni what the hell?" I yell.

"Look I'll explain everything later...maybe but can you please just not give me a hard time about this?" Johnni begs.

"You've completely lost your mind. You know what go ahead and go," I say in reply.

"Nich? Are you seriously gonna give me bullshit right now? You know I have my own shit to take care of!" Johnni begins to yell.

"Okay well news flash, everyone has their own shit to take care of especially Khyairee I mean you're just going to introduce her to the town ...tell her who she can talk to and then leave her here with me like your damn lost pet?" I argue further. "No offense to you Khyairee."

"Well if I may interject, it was my decision to come to Chicago , Nicholas," says Khyairee.

"Okay cool," I say feeling defeated.

"I'm out and you might want to think about speaking to me a little nicer the next time we see each other Nicholas," hisses Johnni as she walks away. "Asshole."

I don't know why I made a big fuss about Johnni leaving. I guess I was just really annoyed.

"I'll be back Khya," I say leaving the table and exiting the front door quietly behind Johnni.

My Uber Scare: A Thriller Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora