Chapter 9: The Birth of Truth

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(Johnni's POV🔴)

The day had finally come to a close and it had done so with such a smooth kind of urgency. I had no energy left within me.
I gazed at the Chinese food that lay on my kitchen counter and decided that I was no longer hungry for Chinese food. I had began to crave pickles.
  I cracked the fridge and rustled around with the empty cartons of milk and juice and found hidden beneath a carton of cranberry juice a pickle jar. Immediately I began to snack.
For some odd reason, I was feeling as if I was eating more than I usually did.
I tried not to think too much.


I rush to my door in hopes that it isn't Nicholas coming to give me some crazy explanation as to why he sucked off my boyfriend. As I approach the door, I see that the figure standing there is my boyfriend Zay.

  "Come in babe," I say in the happiest voice I can muster up at the moment.

  I push back all of my bad thoughts about what I saw of him and think about the bigger picture. Would Zay be okay with what I was doing if he knew about it? I already knew the answer to that. So, instead of pouncing on him I decided to strategize the digs I'd take at him.
In doing this, I knew he'd soon have to tell me for himself.

    "You've been gone for so long it feels like," I say once he's sat in the sofa next to me.

  "Nah I've been trying to reach you, but when you were out with your friends the other night I had no way of completing that," he says while stroking one of my curls.

I hated it when he did that and I hated it even more now. I wanted his hands no where near me.

  "So do you think that would give you the right to maybe ....sneak off and just not think of me at all?" I ask.

  He chuckles. "Baby girl, what you trying to say? That I just didn't think about you? You know you're always on my mind."

   "I actually don't know what I believe anymore," I say feeling the blood inside me boil. "I thought I had a boyfriend all to myself but it seems as if that too is something I am unsure of."

  "Huh?" He replies with frustration in his eyes.

I can see that he is trying so hard to push down the truth. He tries to hug me, but instead I rise from the sofa and grab my phone.
  I slide my google chrome book out of its case and hook my phone to it. I enter my password and sync the video I received earlier today to my computer. I then play the video.

  "I want you to watch this and to see what a pitiful little fucker you are," I begin to say. "I want you to know that whatever future you thought we had, we now will no longer ever have."

  "Johnni I .....I ...I can explain," Zay says tripping over his words.

"Videos don't lie! Dirty dog guys like you do," I say looking him in the eyes.   "If you wanted someone to suck your dick why not come to me instead of going to my best friend and fucking his face huh?"

   "Baby please stop this ..... I really can explain," he answers.

    "You're not even man enough to sit here and just admit to me that you are wrong," I say. "You are on video, with your dick in Nicholas's mouth, and you have something to explain?"

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