Chapter 17: Red Flags

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(🔘Nicholas's POV)

  The taxi roared to a screeching halt announcing our arrival at the convention site.

    "Thank you sir," I say while shoving a crisp twenty dollar bill into the driver's hand.

       "No....thank you!" He replies.

  I run out of the taxi eyeing my surroundings. The convention center was jam packed with people in semi-casual attire. By the looks of them, I was underdressed. Once I spot an entrance point, I urgently grab my things and head toward it. The chilly, biting New York air stabs my exposed cheeks once I have finally opened the door to enter the convention center. I am sure to walk with ease and appear as normal as possible. Numerous pairs of bright eyes begin to shoot dirty glances at me while I prod my way through the rigid crowd of people.

      "Excuse me, pardon me," I say every ten paces forward.

    Instantaneously, I am rudely bumped by a crowd member who drops a red envelope on the emerald green carpet. Immediately, I grab the envelope and peel off the sticky seal.

    "'Room 102," read the letter inside.

  Instead of waiting, I find a map at the center of the convention building and look for directions toward a room 102. My thoughts begin to cloud my judgement once I realize I don't have a clue who might have unknowingly dropped that red envelope. What would lead me to believe I have any business sneaking around this place? 

   I no longer was sure of anything. All that I had thought I knew seemed to be undoubtedly a lie. After moments of continued thought, I finally locate the marking indicating where room 102 is.

     *RING RING*

Confused by the loud ringtone, I stop in the middle of the deep-sea like crowd and answer the phone call.

   "Hello?" I say.

  "Hey son, it's me," my Dad yells into the phone.

I take a sigh of relief. "Oh it's just you Dad."

  "Head to room 102 at the end of the hall, I'll meet you there," I hear in my right ear once I've regained composure.

  "Huh?" I exclaim, puzzled.

  The phone call ends. Moments ago a stranger dropped a red envelope on the floor that just so happened to have a room number hidden inside. Now, confirming the utter confusion and discomfort I was feeling, my Dad was telling me to head to room 102; the one inside the strange red envelope.

    Unfortunately, I wasn't that surprised. The dismay I had been feeling as of lately always kept me on my toes. Finally, I arrive at room 102.


"Welcome!" I hear a deep voice say as the door to room 102 swings open.

  The face of the man was unfamiliar, so, I didn't think to accept the welcome verbally. However, I deliver a slight last minute grin that serves as my short-term "hello".

  The room is painted a bright pink color with detailed roses budding on the surrounding expensive wallpaper.

    "Fancy room," I say once I've fully entered.

  "Hello son, it's great to see you," my Dad says while snatching away my luggage.

   "Dad I'd love to stay but—"

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