Chapter 14: Collateral Damage

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   (Khyairee's POV🔵)

I was on the edge of giving up. The conversation with Nich went pretty well, but it still left a bad taste in my mouth. I was wrong for getting myself into this in the first place. However, my intentions at heart were very good. I planned on helping Nicholas in any way even if that meant putting myself in danger. I'm the one who had the trust with Dale. Maybe somehow I could lure Nicholas to him.

  After I left The Tavern, I decided I was ready to go full on assistant mode. I was checking my phone and making sure to deliver every ounce of information that I could to prod trust from Dale.

   "The kid is suspicious, he's noticing that you're taking out people in his inner circle people like Zay," I say once I've successfully gotten Dale to answer the phone. "And I thought we were keeping our hands clean? Why is Zay dead?"

There was a minute of static and silence on the other end.

   "Khya you're doing great, you have nothing to worry about. Zay got a little mouthy and one of my guys found out about it," Dale then says.

   "So you had him killed?"

   "Let's not use that word, think of it as the removal of a threat to me and you," he responds coldly.

    "He's no threat of mine! Look Nicholas basically slept with that made Zay do that and it put him at odds with Johnni and she's my friend," I begin. "Dale you're causing problems."

   "It's all for good measure hunny I promise," he laughs. "Plus the damage hasn't even been done yet."

    I paused. What more did this guy have in store?

    "Your next task, get here to New York I have a jet waiting for you so pack quickly and get here as soon as possible," Dale then says.        "Meet me at the four corners hotel in NYC I have a surprise for you."

  The phone then went silent signaling that Dale had hung up. My next order of business was in New York and something about this gave me a bad feeling.

  (Nicholas's POV🔘)
I felt like disappearing. After the meeting with Khya all my latest fears were confirmed. Dale was after me and to make matters worse he was in my dad's home state for revenge. I had to protect my father if it were the last thing I did.
  Dale seemed to be hitting me in waves. He put Zay in my path and found a way to expose a video of us to demolish my ties with Johnni. This made it so I had one less person in my corner. Clearly, Dale wasn't fond of many people that weren't 100% loyal to him. He had Zay killed the moment he got word that Zay had met with me without being ordered to.
That meant all of this was apart of a plan.

I quickly called Nicholas. P and ordered him to make his way to The Tavern. In less than ten minutes Nicholas. P was there. He quickly glided over to my table and placed his hand on my shoulder.

    "You okay man?"

  "No. How could I be? I just met with Khyairee and check this everything I'm thinking is actually true," I respond.

       "And what exactly are you thinking?"

  "It's clear that I'm being targeted. Now I know why. My dad was a student at Riddendale and so was Dale! They liked the same girl and my dad was in an accident with her that night they had went on a date. The accident left her and her unborn love child dead and Dale would never let it go," I began. "It all makes sense. I'm now the target because I'm my Dad's first born and Dale wasn't given his first born because of the car accident my dad was in with that girl."

    "And what if you're wrong Nich? What if this is all just some ludicrous way of creating problems? For gods sake you accused the man of being a thief and to add insult to injury you haven't been the most welcoming of his double life. Automatically you're a threat," Nicholas. P then says.

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