Chapter 15: An Eye for An Eye

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(Nicholas's POV🔘)
After meeting with Nicholas.P I made it my duty to get to New York as soon as I could. It was only a matter of time before god knows what else could happen.


The text tone of my phone had just rang out. I made my way to the iPhone 7 Plus and clicked on the screen to see where the message had come from. I had clicked on the message app and was able to see that the attachment had come from an unknown number; I clicked on the video.

   "Hwwwllpp mweeee," the voice screamed out.

  I covered my mouth to stifle the excruciating feeling in my gut. On the screen in front of me was my friend Johnni tied up with duck tape wrapped around her mouth. She was in trouble. Seconds later in the video, Dale stepped from behind her with a blood curdling smile on his face.

    "Listen here you little fuck!" I begin to rant as if either of the two of them could hear me.

I throw the phone on my bed in defeat. Dale was playing to win.

(Khyairee's POV🔵)

I had just landed in New York when I got a text from Nicholas that said "call me ASAP". I made the call once I had finally exited the plane.

   "What's up?" I say.

  "Johnni! Johnni is in trouble!" He yells.

I think of what to say. I have to play it cool and not look like I'm on his side.

    "Well maybe this is just what she needs."

   "Khya? What are you saying? Fuck this code bullshit ! This is our friend ....YOUR friend,"   Nich then says.

At that, I hang up the phone. I am distraught at this point and torn between two worlds. I have to be loyal to Dale in order to get to the bottom of this hatred he has for Nich. I continue to make way to the Uber so I can get to Dale in a timely manner.

Whatever was waiting for me at this hotel didn't seem good at all.

It took me awhile to finally arrive at the Four corners hotel. The Uber drivers here were so much better than the ones in Chicago. I guess because I knew most of the Uber drivers were secretly working under my uncles reign, so my judgment was very one sided. Once the car had come to a complete stop, I exited and dragged my suitcase out from behind me. The hotel was big and luxurious. There were colors from every variation of green to bright reds and yellows that filled the window panes.

    "Mrs Khyairee," I heard a voice call out.

I turned to face the direction in which I heard my name called. Dale.

     "Hello uncle, I'm here," I say.

  He gives me a warm embrace and reaches for the suitcase I am carrying as if to carry it for me.

    "I think I can handle just one bag of luggage," I say.

   He then removes his hand and escorts me into the hotel, up the elevator, and to the fifth floor.

  "Room 502, this is where all the fun will be taking place," he says.

  I view everything in the room and get an unsettling feeling in my stomach. Johnni is on the couch with a needle at her side, unconscious.

    "You drugged her?" I ask sounding hysteric.

   "I did and now you will be taking her to the bathroom and prettying her up for tonight's big convention. After which , you will do away with her," Dale hisses.

  "Do away with her?"

  "Yes darling. She is to be killed, by your hands. My game, my rules."

(Nicholas's POV🔘)

The traveling had began. I had booked an immediate flight to New York along with Nicholas. P and we were in an Uber pulling in to the airport.

    "You ready for this?" I ask Nicholas. P.

  "Ready as I'll ever be," he says.

I quickly roll my suitcase out of the car and patiently await Nicholas. P to join my side.

   "I have to take this call, go ahead inside without me!" He yells.

  I watch his oddly shaped figure turn the corner as he presses the phone to his ear with a look of pure confusion on his face. Instead of pursuing him, I decide to allow him his privacy and enter the airport.

   The flight was to begin in the next 15 minutes and Nicholas. P had not yet returned. I look over my shoulder hoping to soon see his face approaching me, but instead the faces of strangers continue to stroll past me.


   A text from my phone rings out as I try and search for my phone. After what seems like forever, I find my phone and unlock it to see a text from my very angry mom.

   "What could she possibly want?" I ask myself aloud.

   "Your dad is in trouble. I don't know WHERE YOU ARE! But you aren't safe! I've taken matters into my own hands and I'm headed to Nevada to my parents home to protect myself. THERE HAVE BEEN THREATS MADE to our family ..... I'm not taking any chances I love you! BE SAFE!" Read the text.

   The tears I had been pushing back had come down again. My dad was in trouble and I knew there was something I had to do before it was too late. The clock struck the two minute mark before my flight would leave. At first I thought to wait for Nicholas. P , but there was no time to waste.

  I arrived at the plane and handed the flight attendant my ticket as quickly as possible. Before sitting down I checked my phone to see a text from Johnni had just been sent to me.

  "An eye for an eye,"' I say reading the text aloud.


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