Chapter 18: Russian Roulette

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(Nicholas's POV🔘)

    Time was ticking. About an hour ago my dad had left for dress rehearsal. I was alone accompanied only by constant thoughts of the worst. My dad had always been very protective of me. Although we didn't always see eye to eye too often, I couldn't live without him.


  My phones text tone rang out, interrupting my current train of thought. I quickly outstretched my hand into my pocket and grabbed the iPhone.
  The text appeared to be from Johnni.

   '"Nich where are you?" The text reads.

  I quickly climb into action. At first I think to reply with my latest concerns. However, given the current situation, there was no time to waste. I sent Johnni my location making note to share it indefinitely. This way she would always know where I was.

  "SOS," reads the next text Johnni sends.

  S.O.S was something we sent to each other long ago when one of us was in danger. I understood now more than ever that Johnni needed me. Once I have configured a way to leave the room, I travel around  the convention center one last time. Everything seemed perfectly normal. With that final revelation, I exit the convention center expeditiously.

  (Johnni's POV🔴)

"Where to now?" I say breaking the chilling silence.

  Khyairee and I had been walking for hours now. Trudging far behind me, Khyairee was on her phone, hopefully looking for a safe place.

   "I don't quite know that yet," she says sadly. "This wasn't exactly apart of the plan."

  I begin to ponder on the day's events. I never knew Khyairee to be a girl capable of murder. Now, I knew for sure she was capable of anything. So many questions still remained in my head. Why didn't Khyairee just kill me? I wondered the answer to this question ever since she had opted to spare my life. After-all, if killing me would have proved her loyalty to Dale, why would she jeopardize that?

  Slowly I began to shorten the strides I took forward on the pavement. Formidable the question would sound, I sigh and ask,

"Why didn't you just kill me?"

"What?" Khy replies, stunned.

  "You said you were given the chance to kill me," I remind her. "Why not just do it?"

  "Are you telling me you'd rather be dead?"

I pause before responding. A black Lexus veers into the intersection right in front of me and Khy.

  "Khy!" I yell.

Frantically, I look to my left and my right and my heart sinks to my toes; no sign of Khyairee. The black Lexus in front of me was unmistakably an Uber. Although the Uber appears to only contain one person, I am able to make out two backseat passengers, both are masked.

I turn around to make a run for it, but instantly I am stopped. The cold point of a gun was at my forehead. My head was down, so I was unable to make out who was holding the gun.

  "Get in," the familiar voice says.

Confused by the voice that has just spoken to me, I lurch my foot forward into her stomach.

  "Khy?" I ask, puzzled.

  The last thing I am able to see is Khyairee picking up her gun and getting back to her feet. I am then attacked from behind as I am forced into the black Lexus.

  "Have a safe ride," Khyairee says while walking backward in the opposite direction.

  "Bitch you set me up!" I cry. "How could you?"

  Khyairee then disappears into a nearby red car.

She has just crossed me for the last time.

(Khyairee's POV🔵)

Johnni was never going to understand. From the looks of it, I had just set her up. I knew the only way to gain control of the situation was to make a sacrifice; sadly that sacrifice was my best friend. Johnni has just been taken away in a black Lexus to a place I wasn't sure of.
I was now in the car with my uncle dale. Once I successfully delivered Johnni to his henchmen he picked me up to go along with him to the big convention.

   "How far is this convention?" I ask to break the ice.

"Just enjoy the ride," Dale says rudely.

Upon finishing his sentence, he pulls into the lot of an empty warehouse.

Confused at the sight, I begin to ask, "Where are—"


Dale interrupts my sentence with a crucial slap to my face. I decide to remain silent thereafter. Seconds later, Dale's henchmen appear around the car as I am told by Dale himself to get out..

  Time and time again I find myself foolishly falling for Dale's words. When Johnni and I had escaped, I texted Dale where exactly we were going. In my mind, giving him Johnni's current whereabouts would redevelop our trust. I guess...I was wrong.

  I was now being escorted inside the remotely silent warehouse. The place was so quiet that only the distant screams of a girl could be heard.

   "Johnni!" I yell. "Let her go!"

The men continue to be silent. We take an elevator and stop at the second floor where the screams could now be heard more clearly; it was Johnni for sure.

Brutally, I am tossed into a dark room where I can see Johnni is chained to a wall.

   "You BITCH!" She spits angrily. "You betrayed me!"

  "Yes," a voice says. "She did."

It was Dale.

  "We had a deal," I say while looking through the glass that separates Dale from Johnni and me.

   "Did you really think I'd keep my word to you after you betrayed me?" He laughs. "Had you killed her we wouldn't be in this predicament."

  "You knew I wouldn't do it," I say sheepishly. "I told you I wanted her to have nothing to do with this."

  It was true. I had told Dale days ago upon our agreement that Johnni was to remain safe. He had since completely disregarded that moment in time.

  "I gave you a chance, Khyairee," Dale begins. "I gave you a chance to show me where your loyalties were."

   "I BROUGHT HER BACK TO YOU!" I yell, on the verge of tears.

  Immediately I begin to feel stupid. I should've known better than to compromise my own safety as well as my best friend's on false hope.

   "Well now you have no choice but to die," Dale barks. "Or watch her die."


   "You have twenty minutes. This very room is filled with bombs ready to blow at the last second. There is one bullet loaded in the chamber," Dale remarks. "You know how this game goes."

How wicked could this man get? Dale was forcing us into a game of Russian roulette. It was final, he had no intentions on keeping either of us alive.

   "If one seemingly dies before the time has ran out, well, I guess you'll just have to see,"  he laughs. "Ha ha, good luck."

  There was no way I was making it out of here alive.

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