Chapter 5: The Boy Who Cried "Thief!"

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(Khyairee's POV🔵)

I was allowing myself to drink the rest of my coffee knowing I had company on the way. Johnni had just called a couple of minutes ago and told me she was on her way. I wasn't sure if I wanted to see her or not, but I could use some company.

"Hey girl hey," says Johnni as she struts into the coffee shop.

"Don't you look just fab!" I say in my best vogue magazine voice.

"Do I really?" Says Johnni confidently.

I decide to be a little extra and snap a couple of photos of Johnni to lighten the mood. I have to admit, she really does look beautiful. The way her pretty springy curls bounce every-time she twirls is really unbelievable.

"What have you been up to?" I ask once I'm done admiring her.

"Just dropped Zay off at the bookstore with Nich," Johnni says in reply.

I smile a little looking at Johnni and realize that this is my best friend. No matter how much we argue, she will always be my girl.

"Still no word on who you were talking to yesterday on the phone?" I press knowing that this is dangerous territory.

"Seriously it was no one," she says smirking.

"Don't tell me you and Zay are going through something again," I say in a sad kind of tone.

"No no! Not at all we're just fine," Johnni says as she reapplies some Mac lipstick to her lips.

"So I've been meaning to tell you that I met up with Malik and he really really seems to be a good guy Johnni," I say hoping she won't jump on me.

I await her response, but she seems a little too soaked up in her phone.

(Johnni's POV🔴)

Mac had been texting my phone non stop since yesterday. He was telling me about how much he loved it and how he wished I would come and live with him. I thought about that for a moment, but immediately stopped because Khyairee seemed to be saying something.

"Huh? Malik? Well hey if you truly feel that's the move to make who am I to tell you no?" I ask trying to seem interested.

"Well, you know you're good with the whole guy thing look at you and Zay you guys are inseparable," Khyairee says with a jealous smile.

"We are not!" I say blushing a little.

Khyairee and I continue to have girl time and I can't help but thank god that she came to Chicago. Nich is cool and all, but sometimes you need a little girl time to reduce your stress levels.

"Alright girly, now you know you should be studying for that pre-med exam," I say once we've finished our boy toy discussion.

"Well I finished up the studying a little before you came I actually think I'm all ready to go," Khyairee says happily.

We both link hands and head outside to look for an Uber. I decide to pick some chinky white dude to drive us to Riddendale because he is the closest. After ten minutes, he arrives and me and Khyairee enter the black Lexus.

(Nicholas's POV🔘)

I exit the Uber as soon as it pulls up to Riddendale's edge. I walk with a strong stride in my step with only one thing on my mind, find that man. I didn't know what he wanted with me or any of my information and I didn't care. Whatever was going on needed to stop now.

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