Chapter 6

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We walk in and shake their hands as we pass by. With each hand shake, I feel a surge go through me again. We walk into their living room and sit down.

"Mr. And Mrs. Cullen, this is a beautiful home." Lissa says.

"Thank you dear. Please call me Esme."

"And me Carlisle," the man and women say.

"So, mom, dad, this is Rose, Lissa, Christian, and Coach Belikov" Alice says jumping up and down.

"Please, call me Dimitri" Dimitri says.

I feel more waves off emotion, exitment is the strongest so it starts to overtake me. I start bouncing up and down in my seat with a huge smile on my face. Lissa and Dimitri stare at me weird and Christian just starts laughing.

"Carlisle, Esme, I love your home. The interior is beautiful!" I say, my voice really high.

"Why thank you Rose, I designed it myself and Alice helped," Esme says. I feel the exitment wear off and then I start to feel normal.

But I still have all the waves of emotions going into me. I look at them all and realize they all look like lissa, but I'm almost for certain they aren't. And then I feel the burning in my throat.

Jasper eyes widen and he looks at me, a pained expression going over his face. I then smell the sweetest smell I have ever smelled. I breathe in and then I jump up. I look around trying to find it.

Carlisle POV

I smell blood, and know it must be either jake or Nessie. I look and Jasper to make sure hes ok but hes staring at Rose who breathes in and her eyes widen. She jumps up and starts looking around.

I look at Esme confused, the at Edward asking him what's happening. He looks at me and mouths I don't know. I ask him why and he says he can't read her, like Bella.

Then it hit me. She smelt the blood. Jasper was staring at her. And Edward can't read her. She's a vampire. But she doesn't look like one, she looks perfectly human.

Edward realizes it and looks at me. He speeds over to Rose and grabs her holding her back. I run over and look at her.

"LET ME GO!" She screams trying to get out of Edwards grip. Lissa starts screaming.

I feel Jasper sending calming waves. His eyes widen.

"STOP THAT!" She screams at him. "How did she know?"

"I SAID LET ME GO!!" She screams. Dimitri jumps up and grabs Edward.

"She said let go" He said sternly, staring at him.

He didn't let go so Dimitri pulled him off. Rose then speeds off up the stairs. She falls about half way, screaming.


"LET ME GO!!" Rose screams. Lissa starts screaming. I send calming waves and it calmed Lissa down but I feel Rose shove them right back at me. " STOP THAT!!" Rose screams. My eyes widen and I look at Carlisle. How did she do that.

She was talking about the surge during history, and how she-. Wait. Shit. She can copy powers! So, she's a vampire? But she seems, and smells perfectly human? Is it a power she has?

"I SAID LET ME GO!!" She screams again. Coach Belikov grabs Edward "She said let go." He said sternly. I can fell the love radiating off him. When Edward didn't let go, he pulled him off her. She speed off up the stairs bit fell halfway up and started screaming. I got waves of pain and burning. It was to much.

I fell to the ground, screaming. Alice leans down "Baby, what's wrong?"

" Sh-she, I-i-i can't AHHHHH," I screamed as another wave hit me. The only time I've felt this was when I was changing.


When Edward was pulled off I speed off to the stairs. About half way I fell, screaming. It felt like I was being burned alive. And then I heard cracking and it felt like all my bones where breaking.


Me and Nessie where up on her room, she dropped a picture frame and cut her finger. It started to bleed pretty bad. I heard screaming and yelling down stairs. Nessie went to go see what was wrong but I told her to stay.

I then heard someone head up the stairs and then a big thud. Then all I could hear was screams. I jumped up and ran to see what happened. I see Rose on the stairs screaming.

I could hear cracking and it sounding like bones breaking. I heard even more, it sounded like her whole body was breaking, like when- LIKE WHEN WE FIRST PHASE!!

I can see bones breaking and shifting. I started to freak. I grabbed my phone and called Sam.

Sam Uley speaking

Jake! Calm down! What happened!

Well we got this new Girl today and Alice invited her over and I think she is about to phase

Jake that's impossible

Sam, I'm serious get down here now!

I'll be there in about 5 minutes

I hang up and run down to Rose. "AHHHHHHHH!!!! MAKE IT STOP!!!!" She screams. She starts shaking so I step back. The others try to get close but I tell them to stand back.

She phases into a giant black wolf. The Cullens scream. Rose looks around, scared. I phase to tell her what happened.

Rose, Rose hey, it will be ok

What happened!!!

Rose, you um, you phased into a wolf


A wolf. I don't know how but our leader is on his way here.

Right then Sam come in. "Where's Jake!" He asks they move and he look at us. His eyes widen when he sees us.

He phased to talk to us;

Jake what the he'll happened

I don't know sam. I heard yelling and then she starting screamin. That's when I called you. The she phased

What happened to me

Listen, hey its gonna be ok.


Rose calm down. We will find out what happened soon, just not now.


When she yelled that I felt the Alpha voice kick in. But how. She stares at us and Sam backs down whimpering. I feel this pull but I try to resist.


She screams. And that did it for me. I backed down, whimpering.

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