Chapter 7

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Edwards POV

I look at them, reading what they are saying, and only knowing what Rose said cause of sam and Jacobs mind.

"Rose?" I hear coach Belikov say behind me. "Rosa, what happened?" She look at him and just stares.

Shit, she imprinted

I hear Jake say. She imprinted on coach Belikov. From what I hear from Jasper, he felt love radiating from him when he stepped up to me. But how, why, from what Carlisle thought she's a vampire.

How is this possible. I hear them tell her to get Alice and go phase back, that she needs some new clothes because her's ripped. Alice follows her and she comes back.


I follow Alice and phase back, and put on some clothes. I walk back down and head over to Dimitri. We all sit back down and I lean against Dimitri.

"What just happened?" Lissa asked.

"Rose turned into a big ass wolf," Christian says. Lissa hits him in the head and Emmett and Jake laugh.

"I think I know," Jasper says. We all looked at him.

"Well when we where in history, Rose told me that when she shook our hand, all of our hands, she felt a surge. She could read Edwards mind, but he couldn't read hers like Bella's, she said she kept felling these emotions that weren't hers, like me. And during lunch she grabbed Lissa's hand and showed her images just like Renesmee. When she started to freak out I tried to calme her down bit she pushed it right back at me. Now, I guess she can shift like Jacob." He said

Carlisle eyes widen with realization "She can copy our powers" "your what" I ask just as Renesmee walk down. I smell the sweet smell again, just fainter. But it's still enough. I jump up and go to attack her but jasper jumps on me mid air.

"But why is she reacting like this to blood?" Esme asks.

"Maybe because she's a vampire. What other explanation is there?" Carlisle says.

"She's a what? She is not a vampire, she is a dhampir." Lissa says.

Renesmee sits down and Lissa a looks at her hand. She ask for it and heals it.

"How'd you do that?" Carlisle asks.

"It's my magic"

"Your what?"

"My magic, all moroi have on of the elements. I have spirit, and Christian has fire." She says

"What do Rose and Dimitri have?" Carlisle asks.

"They don't have one, they are dhampir?" I felt them all being confused so we explain it and why we are here.

"Then why is Rose able to copy our powers?" Edward asks then it dawns on me.

I'm shadow kissed, that could be why. I told them and Carlisle wanted to run some tests.

He drew blood and did a bunch of other stuff. After several hours, we get the results.

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