Chapter 17

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      Jasper pov

      I pull out the little black box. I opened it a kneal down. Rose gasps.
       " Rose Hathaway, will you marry me?" I ask. She looks like she's about to cry. She nods her head " Yes, Jas, I would love to marry you!"

       I put the ring on her finger and the the rose petals start to fall. I had it rugged so at 8 it would rain rose petals. " Ah, Jas, this is so beautiful!" She said. I stood up and she jumped in my arms, burying her face in my neck.

    We sit back down and she lays in my arms   " I love you rose" " I love you to, My Jas" she said falling asleep. Did she just- what did she call me?. Did she say MY Jas?

          I carried her home and laid her down. When I walk downstairs they ask if she said yes. " She did, she said yes" I say, still not believing I got so lucky.

     I go back up to the room after they finish asking questions. I lay down beside her and wrap my arms around her.

    " My Jas" she mumbles. I'm probably smiling like a idiot. When morning came, she woke up and we went down to tell everyone, well, she did.

       " Lissa, will you be my maid of honor?" She asked. Lissa started jumping up and down " YES YES A THOUSAND TIMES YES!!" " Haha, ok now stop before you jump through the floor" Rose says laughing at her.

      We decide to skip school that day and start planning the wedding. I take Rose up to the room and we lay down, her cuddled into my arms. She starts looking and notices the scars.

       " ah, Jasper, what happened?" She asked. I knew I would have to tell her sooner or later. "After becoming a major in the Confederate Army, I was set upon by the vampire Maria, who proceeded to turn me. After the transformation, I aided Maria in her creation of a newborn vampire army, which successfully conquered the feeding grounds of Texas. However, over the next decades, I became tired of this violent and bloodstained life, because i could feel the emotions of those i killed, which eventually became too much for me. In the 1940s, i left my bloodthirsty coven to become a nomad. In 1948, i met Alice and with her i joined the Cullens. The scars are from when I would train them, they where newborns, bloodthirsty and crazed. They would, attack, me and bite me. They didn't care as long as they got blood."

      By the time I finished, her eyes where pitch black. " Baby, calm down. It's ok" " Ok, OK! Why didn't you tell me!?" " Because I was afraid you would hate me if I told you"

     Her eyes turn back to the golden color. " Jas, I could never hate you. I do, and always will, love you. Jas, don't you dare, for even a second, think I don't love you. I want yo- No. I NEED you." She says, putting her hand on my face.

          I pull her into a hug and breathe in her scent. "ROSE. GOT YOU ASS DOWN HERE!!" I heard someone scream. I went to get up but Rose pulled me back down and teleportation us to the couch. " what" she says

         Emmet jumps out of his seat when she does that and we all fall down laughing. " So, have yall decided on a date yet?" Lissa asked " I was thinking, February 4?" Rose said. " That's in 4 months!" Lissa screamed " how about how about November 28?" "Liss, that's in 3 weeks!!" Rose shrieked

     " so, we can do it." Rosalie and Lissa said " ugggg fine y-" "yayyy, we are going dress sjopping. NOW!" Lissa screamed dragging Rose to the car.

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