Chapter One

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Daddy said that I should keep track of all of my thoughts, feelings, and activities throughout the day. So, I guess that's what I'll do. I don't really want to write everything down, but Daddy said that's what Mommy did when she was in school. I want to be like Mommy. That's what girls are supposed to do, right? Be like their mother?

I guess I never actually met my mom. I saw her once for a couple seconds. I saw her when I was born and right before she died. People tell me that I would've loved her because she was such a great person. Other people tell me that I would've hated her. Cleo De Nile comes off as Mommy's number one enemy. She's the one who tells me that Mommy was a horrible person.

Today is my first day of kindergarten. Today is also the first day that I will meet Cleo's daughter. I don't want to meet her. But I hope she's nothing like her mother. Daddy says that I have to be nice to her, but I should also tell him if anything bad happens.

"Nicole! You don't want to be late for school. Come on downstairs!" I climbed off my bed and headed downstairs.

"Do I have to go?" I asked quietly. Daddy smiled and kneeled down in front of me, pulling me into a small hug.

"Honey, it's just kindergarten. You'll be fine. I promise. Besides, I'll be there to pick you up at noon. You go to school from eight to twelve. That's four hours. All right?" I nodded and pulled away from him. I stood there while he put my backpack onto my back. I followed him out the door and to the truck.

His once short, brown hair was now a light silver color, the tips highlighted with dark brown. He was only in his twenties, I think twenty-six, but the stress of things made him look older. The very front of his hair came down just below his ears. The back of it came down to the bottom of his neck, resting lightly on the collar of his shirt. Somehow, I felt like his appearance was all my fault.

Highway Don't Care came over the radio. Daddy reached over and turned it up. He rolled the window down and rested his elbow on the edge of the door. He rested his forehead on his hand and sighed. His right hand was still on the steering wheel. His fingers drummed on the wheel as he drove. I looked up at him in the rearview mirror. His eyes twinkled with tears. I bit my lip and turned away from him and looked out my own window. In the past five years, I had learned that Mommy and Daddy had listened to a lot of country music together. And this was one of the songs that they would listen to a lot.

The song came to an end and he stopped in front of the school. He unlocked the doors and cleared his throat.

"All right, honey. You have fun and I'll see you at noon. Ok?" His voice was weaker than it had been on,y a few minutes ago. I nodded and climbed into the front of the truck. I wrapped my arms around him before I opened the door and got out. I slowly walked up to the school, my thumbs looped through the straps of my backpack.

"Ah, you must be Nicole," the man by the door said. I nodded and looked up at him. He smiled warmly. Already, I felt a little better about being here. "I'm Mr. Where. You're in a different class than most of the other kids. Since you're a little more... developed than the rest of them," he said. He held out his hand. I tentatively reached out and grabbed it. He smile again and walked me into the school. There were a lot of kids down the left side of the hall. But we turned to the right and went into a different classroom.

"Why am I in here?" I asked quietly.

"You're brain is more developed than most of the other kids," he said. I looked around the room to find myself surrounded by werewolves, vampires, and one other child that I knew was Cleo's little girl. A boy stood in the corner by himself. He wore the same mummy-like clothes as Cleo's daughter. He kind of looked like her, too. But, Cleo only had a daughter. Or, at least, that's all she had ever bragged about.

"Well, go ahead and mingle. That's what today is for. We're just getting used to everybody in the class. We're going to do a quick introduction and then you can go talk to whomever you would like to," Mr. Where said. I smiled and nodded. His warm smile and friendly demeanor (demeanor is kinda like someone's attitude or how they act) made everything seem more comfortable.

"Good morning, everybody! I'm Mr. Where. Most of your parents had me as a teacher in high school. But, I was moved down to elementary to teach the gifted children. In reality, you will have me for a teacher all the way through elementary, middle school, and high school. Now, you already know who I am, so I would like everyone to say there name. And then you have the rest of the day to do whatever you would like to. Let's start over here," Mr. Where said, pointing to Cleo's daughter. She smiled wickedly and flipped her hair over her shoulder.

"I'm Chloe De Nile," she said. Her voice was ridiculously high, most likely forced from a normal voice. Of course her name was Chloe, the only name close to Cleo.

"I'm Toby Johnson," a little werewolf said quietly. He wore a dark blue shirt, matched with black jeans.

"I'm Terry Johnson," yet another werewolf said. She seemed more comfortable in the school environment than Toby. She wore a dark blue shirt and black jeans, too. Twins.

"I'm Gary Stripe," he was a small pink vampire with black and red hair. His accent told me that he was Valentine and Toralei's son.

"I'm Adele Devein," a small vampire said from the back of the room. Two small fangs hung out over her lip. She was pale and her hair was black with streaks of purple and blonde tips. Gory and Bram Devein's daughter. She smiled and pushed her glasses back onto her nose.

"I'm Nicole Wolf," I said quietly. Every kid in the room turned to stare at me, like I was some kind of mutant. The only kid that didn't seem to care was the boy in the back. He smiled shyly at me and I smiled back. Mr. Where snapped his fingers loudly, gathering everyone's attention again.

"I'm Calvin De Nile," the boy in the back said. His shirt was a gold color with a white tint to it. Stripes of blue came through the shirt here and there. His black hair came down below his ears and bangs covered the right side of his face (Google a picture of Anthony from Smosh. That's how Calvin's hair is styled).

"Good! Now that everyone is introduced, we can spend the rest of the day talking and whatnot. I'm right here if you need anything," Mr. Where said, walking back to his desk. He placed his hands on his desk and slowly lowered himself to his chair. I walked over to where Calvin was standing and sat down in front of him. He smiled and sat down.

"Mom told me not to talk to you," he said softly. "Well, she told Chloe not to talk to you. She doesn't really talk to me," he said. I frowned and shrugged out of backpack.

"I'm sorry. That's kinda mean," I said. He nodded and pulled a notebook out of his backpack.

"Yeah. It's ok, though. 'Cause that means I can talk to you," he said softly, a small smile still on his face. I smiled and nodded. I liked kindergarten, now. I already made a friend, my first friend in five years. It felt good.

"Thanks for talking to me, then," I said, letting a smile cross my face. I could hear Chloe's footsteps as she walked up behind me. I could actually hear her hands go to her hips as she stared down at me. I tilted my head back to look at her. She looked kinda funny from that angle.

"What are you doing talking to my brother?" She asked, and evil sneer on her face.

"I'm talking to him because Mr. Where told us to talk to each other. If you have a problem, take it up with him," I said confidently. I want scared of her. I was bigger than her, and I knew I was a lot stronger, too.

"You're not allowed to talk to him. And you're not allowed to talk to her! You know better than that, Calvin," Chloe exclaimed. Mr. Where shifted his attention to us and cocked his head to the right. I stood up and crossed my arms.

"Leave him alone. He's your brother, not your slave. You're not his boss! You can't control him, Chloe. Besides, I wasn't talking to you. And from I hear, you're not allowed to talk to me, he can do whatever he wants. So, if you'd be so kind to just go hang out with your friends?" She scoffed out of disgust and walked away. I shook my head and sat back down. Mr. Where smiled and looked back at his computer.

"Thanks," Calvin said softly. "No one ever stands up for me when she does that," he said quietly. I reached out my hand and lightly placed it on top of his hand.

"Hey, it's no big deal. You're my friend. Friends stand up for one another."

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