Chapter Six

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Clawdeen's Point Of View

Clawdeen stepped out of her car and walked into Dairy Scream. She walked up to the front desk and smiled at the woman behind the register.

"Hi, I'm here to pick up an ice cream cake," Clawdeen said. "Under the name of Clawd Wolf," she added. The woman smiled and nodded.

"One second, please," the woman said as she walked away from the desk. Clawdeen leaned against the counter while she waited. How had her brother managed to get a cake last minute? Clawdeen had already made plans for today, and she was already running late for most of them. She had managed to pick up the present she had gotten for Nicole, but that was about it.

"Sorry for the delay. My manager misplaced the cake," the lady said, a broad smile on her face. She rested the cake on the counter and pushed several keys on the register. "That'll be twenty dollars," she said. Clawdeen nodded and took the twenty dollar bill out of her purse and handed it to the lady.

"Thank you. Have a great day!" She called as Clawdeen walked out of the store. She loaded the cake into the passenger seat of her car and closed the door. Once in the car, she turned on the air conditioning and drove. She kept one hand on the wheel and the other on the top of the cake box to keep it from sliding off the seat. Her phone buzzed in her purse, but she knew better than to answer it. And yet, she still looked down to see if she could see the screen. It was a text from Clawd. She looked back up at the road and reached down with the hand that had been on the cake box. She dug her hand into her purse, but it was like she didn't even own a phone. She groaned and looked back down at her purse. She found her phone and brought it out of her purse. She looked back up at the road. Green light.

She opened the message and quickly read through it. She glanced back up at the road. Green light. She clicked reply and looked back up at the road. Green light. As she typed the first three words of the message, she looked up at the road. Green light. In the same instant that Clawdeen looked back down at her phone, a semi sped down the road, slamming full force into the side of her car. Everything went black.

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