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Hey, guys! Sorry for not updating lately. School started about a week ago and we already have a big project due after Labor Day. So, I'm working on that.

I'm also sick, so that's great.

Besides that, I'm trying to finish editing one of my actual books (a book I'm working on having published). I plan on finishing it before I go back to school on Tuesday. Either way, I'm working on the next chapter of this book. I can't promise when it'll be out, but I'll try to have one up before this upcoming Friday. Again, I can't promise anything. But, I am working my butt off to do a lot of things right now.

I mean, in all fairness, I have started on the chapter. It's just, like, one sentence at the moment. :/

Nonetheless, I'm working on it.

So, I'm sorry for the delay, but I have been busy and sick and fun stuff like that. I'll try my best to get back on schedule after I'm done editing this book of mine.

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