Chapter Thirty-One

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One week later

Draculaura's Point Of View

"Looks like you'll be in the OR, today," I said quietly.

"Seems that way," Nicole said. "Do you remember which thing they're working on, today?" she asked.

"The heart valve, I think. Since they can't take you off of anything until it's fixed. Your heart has to be able to beat on its own before they can perform any other surgeries," I said. Nicole and I both watched Calvin walk into the room.

"How is he okay? He broke so many bones. He can't walk," Nicole said quickly.

"He can walk, obviously," I said quietly. "Genie? I don't know."

"He's human. He can't heal. He's supposed to be in a cast, in a wheelchair, wearing a neck brace," Nicole said.

"You should be happy, darling," I said softly.

"So many things are already screwed up in my life. I don't need something else to be super confusing," she said.

"Your dad told me you were going into surgery, today. And, everyone's praying for you, you know? I would pray for you, but I can't. I can't bring myself to believe in a God that allows you to sit completely unresponsive in this stupid hospital," Calvin said.

"He's... he's Christian," Nicole said.

"It's rather clear that he's lost his faith, darling," I said. "That can happen from time to time in a person's life. Especially at a time like this," I added. Nicole nodded.

"And I don't need to pray. Because... because you're going to be fine. You're going to fight and your going to be just fine," Calvin said.

Clawd walked into the room and placed his hand on Calvin's shoulder. He looked so sad, so old, so... lifeless. It was heartbreaking, and there was nothing I could do about it. "The doctors are on their way to take her to the OR. You're not going to want to be in here when they do that. They don't even want me in here," Clawd said.

"What am I supposed to do, then?" Calvin asked. "I can't just walk away."

"We're not walking away. We're giving the doctors space so that they can get her out of this room without any troubles. And, you and I are going to sit out in the waiting room for awhile," Clawd said.

"A while? You mean many, many hours," Calvin said. "I've done my research. This is going to take a long time," he added.

"I know, kiddo. I've done the research, too." Clawd shook his head and steered Calvin out of the room. The doctors came into the room and moved Nicole onto a different bed. They wheeled her out of the room and quickly made their way down the hall.

"What do we do?" Nicole asked.

"We sit here and wait," I said.
"And we're waiting for...?"
"We're waiting for these doctors to bring you one step closer to completely joining the living," I said quietly.

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