Chapter Twenty-Three

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Nicole's Point of View

I opened up my small locker and put my bag on the bottom. I closed the door and turned around to find Mr. Where looking down at me. "Hello, sir," I said quietly.
"Hello, Nicole. Now, you know you don't have to be here today, right?" he asked.
I sighed and nodded. "I'm very well aware, Mr. Where. But, he's fine. Surgery went great. He's fine. I don't need to miss school," I said.
"You're sure?" he asked.
"Positive," I said.
"If you say so. You're allowed to leave anytime you want, though. I need to make sure you know that," he said.
"I'm well aware of the rules at this school," I said as I walked past him. I walked into the classroom and watched as every kid turned to stare at me; every kid but Calvin. I lowered my head and walked to the back of the classroom. I slid into my seat next to Calvin and crossed my arms on my desk.
"Are you ok?" Calvin asked.
"I'm fine. I don't have a reason to not be ok. Yes, my father had an accident. But he's ok," I said quietly. "Everybody asking me if I'll be ok or if I am ok bothers me because it makes it seem like you all think he's not going to be ok. But he is ok. You all need to learn that he's fine," I said.
"Ok. I'm sorry. I just... I just thought I'd ask," he said quietly.
I shook my head. "No, I'm sorry. I'm just... on edge. It was a really close call with him. Everything almost didn't work out the way it did," I said.
"I know. That's why I asked if you were ok. Nicole, everyone's just worried about you," he said.
"Let them worry, then. I'm fine," I said.

Skip to lunch

I grabbed my tray and walked over to my normal table. I enjoyed that we had lunch with the children from the normal classes, rather than only having lunch with the kids from my class.
Narissa, Lagoona and Gil's daughter, sat down across from me and smiled. "Hey, Nicole," she said happily.
"Hey, Narissa. How are you?" I asked.
"I'm good. How are you?" she asked.
I poked the bun of my hamburger with my fork and shrugged. "I've been better. But, I'm good. Thanks," I said quietly.
"I'm always here if you want to talk," Narissa said. She smiled at Calvin as he sat down. "Mom and Dad said you could come over anytime," she added as she turned to face me again.
"I'll think about it," I said as I looked up at her. "I'm thinking of becoming a vegetarian," I said.
Both Narissa and Clavin looked up at me. "Why?" they asked in unison.
"My mom was a vegetarian," I said.
"That doesn't mean you have to, Nicole. You're allowed to go down your own path," Calvin said. "You don't have to try to be just like your mom," he said.
"Yeah, I know. But, I kind of want to try to be a vegetarian. Nothing wrong with trying it," I said. "So... who wants my hamburger?" I asked.
Calvin sighed and took it off my tray. "Just remember you have the right to your own choices," he said as he set the hamburger down on his tray.
"I know. That's why I'm allowed to make this choice," I said as I smiled.

Skip to the end of the day

Narissa slid her books into her locker and slung her backpack over her shoulder. "So, do you wanna come over? Dad's picking me up, today. You could just ride home with us," she said.
I shook my head and shut my locker door. "I'm good. I'm gonna go visit my dad," I said.
She smiled. "All right. I'll see you tomorrow, then," she said.
I nodded and waved as she walked towards the front doors. "Bye-bye!" I called after her. She waved and walked outside.
"The hospital, then?" Calvin asked as he stepped in next to me.
"Yeah. Hospital," I said. "At least he's in the recovery unit," I said. I slipped my hand into Calvin's and started walking.
"Want me to walk with you?" he asked.
"We can walk to your house together. It's on the way to the hospital, anyways. You can stay there and I'll continue on my way," I said.
"You sure?" he asked as he pushed open the door.
"I'm sure," I said.
"All righty, then." We didn't talk until we made it to Calvin's house. It wasn't an awkward silence or anything, I just didn't have anything to talk about. Any conversation we started just directed back to my dad being in the hospital. So, I gave up. I waved to Calvin and waited until he was inside his house before walking again. I grabbed the strap of my backpack and pulled it forwards, bringing my bag further up on my back. I tightened my grip on the strap as I walked.
A few blocks later, I stopped in front of the hospital. I drew in a deep breath and walked inside. I walked up to the front desk and rested my arms on the desk.
"Hey, Nicole. Here to see your daddy?" the receptionist asked. Upon further examination, I realized it was Gory Devein.
"Yep," I said.
"He's right down the hall, sweetheart. Last door on your right," she said.
"Thanks," I said. She smiled as I walked away. I walked down the hall and stopped at the end. I turned to my right and pushed open the door. I walked into the room and shut the door behind me.
"Hey, pumpkin," my dad said as he turned his head so he could see me.
"Hey, Daddy. You feeling any better?" I asked.
"I'm feeling a lot better, now," he said.
I smiled and walked up to him. "I brought a book for us to read," I said.
"Are you gonna read to me?" he asked. I nodded and set my bag on the floor. I took out the book and held it out to him. He took it from me and smiled. "Come here, pumpkin," he said and patted the side of the hospital bed with his hand.
I climbed onto the bed next to him and took the book from him. I crossed one leg over the other and snuggled up against my dad's side. "It's called Saving Kaitlin Ansley. It's about a girl who can talk to the dead," I said.
"Where'd you find that?" he asked.
"The school library. It just came in today," I said.
"Who's the author?" he asked.
"Courtney Elsberry, she's a normie," I said. "Um, a human," I corrected myself.
He laughed and slid his arm under my back. "All right. Start reading, then," he said.
I lightly rested my head on his chest and opened the book to the first page. I pretended to clear my throat before I started reading. "I pulled my coat tighter around my neck as I walked down the sidewalk. It was almost the middle of June, but it was still a cold night. That's just how the weather was around here. You could go outside to experience the hottest day in history, and then walk inside for five minutes and come back out to your yard being covered in snow. It was just how everything worked around here."
"You think weather really works like that in some places?" my dad asked.
"I dunno. I think it's just for the book," I said.
"Hmm, keep reading, pumpkin," he said. I laughed and did just that. For the first time in a long time, I felt like everything was going to be ok. I was happy. I was smiling. I was laughing. My dad and I were spending time together. Together, we were both happy.
Family mattered to me. And for once, I didn't know a single member in my family that wasn't happy at that very moment.

Author's Notes

Hey, guys! What'd you think of the chapter?
I'm sorry it took longer to update than originally planned. I got really busy with getting school supplies set up and my other book stuff. But, at least it's updated, now! Oh! Just so we're aware, Saving Kaitlin Ansley really is one of my books. The paragraph Nicole read really is in my book. I didn't want to use someone else's book, so I'm using my own. So, yay!
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I'll see you in the next update! :3

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