Chapter Twenty

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Author's Note

Hey, guys! So, before I get into this chapter, I just want to say that I stayed up extra late to make sure this was a long chapter. You guys have been SO patient with me and you so deserve a really long chapter. So, I did my best to make it an extra long chapter. At this very moment, it is 12:30 in the morning. I don't know how long it'll take to write this chapter, but I will put my finished time down below. Anyways, enjoy!

Skip to Nicole's ninth birthday

Howleen's Point Of View

"No, Sissy, Clawd hasn't mentioned anything about a birthday party for Nicole. Honestly, I haven't talked to him for several months. He's pretty distant, nowadays," Howleen said.

"Yeah, I know. I was just hoping that you had managed to get a few words out of him. Mom said she can't get him to talk to her, either," Clawdeen said.

Howleen nodded as she walked outside onto the back deck. "None of our siblings can get a word out of him. I've talked to all of them, too. Nothing. He won't answer any of their calls or texts. He'll answer the door only to close it in their faces. It's like he just doesn't care anymore. I'm scared for his safety, Deenie," Howleen said.

"I know, Leena. I'm scared, too. If he acts this way around Nicole, I'd hate to think how she feels. If he treats her the same way he's treating us, he's just shutting her out. That's not fair. She's his daughter," Clawdeen said.

Howleen draped her arm over the towel on her head and sighed. "Tell me about it. I talked to Mr. Where, though. He said Nicole walks home from school on most days. Other days, she'll walk off with Calvin, or even catch a ride with Cleo," Howleen said.

"Cleo? Like, De Nile?" Clawdeen asked.

"The one and only," Howleen said.

"That's just unbelievable. Cleo is paying more attention to the poor girl than her own father," Clawdeen said.

"Yeah. Where says she's pretty distant, too. I guess she really only talks to Calvin, whom is also a De Nile. Even then, he rarely hears her voice in class, anymore," Howleen said.

"You're kidding?" Clawdeen asked.

"Nope. He says she used to be the smartest kid in the that class. Now? She fails almost every test and she doesn't even do the everyday work. Deenie, Nicole is failing fourth grade," Howleen said.

"I can't believe that. I'll go over there and talk to Nicole and Clawd. Both of them obviously need a good, long talk. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say Clawd's to blame for whatever depression Nicole is in. I'll fix this, don't worry, Leena," Clawdeen said. "I'll talk to you later, little sis. Love ya," she said.

"Love you, too," Howleen said. She ended the call and slid her phone back into her pocket. She walked back into the house and took the towel off her head. She roughly ran the towel through her hair, drying it off the best she could. She looked in the mirror and allowed a small smiled to cross her face. She had finally decided to color her hair pink, again. It was the only way she ever felt confident. Her pink hair made her feel... whole. She had had pink hair when Draculaura had died. Whenever her hair was pink, she felt like Draculaura was right there by her side, watching over her.

Quick Author's Note

At this moment, Nicole is going through a lot of difficult things in her life. This scene with her is actually rather dark, even for me. There's a rather full description of blood and things like that. I'm not supporting or encouraging any of the things described in this section of the chapter. It's only here to add to Nicole's character and her part in the story.

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