Dr.Flug x Experiment!Reader

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(A/N Just so you know i'm not the best writer and there may be problems so please forgive me. Also a funny meme of Flug for you at the top :p PS sorry if you don't like the experiment part of it.)

Dr.Flugs point of view
'I hope this machine works out well, if it does it could bring in a lot of money.' I thought. Right now the machine I was working on was a device that could make the perfect assistant form a DNA sample, matching all the needs of the person who gave said DNA.'This machine could be very useful to a villain in need of help, maybe I could even upgrade it for fighting uses as well.' I thought finishing up with it. Stepping back to see my work, and looked it over to make sure to was fully ready. After checking over it i called down Black Hat to see the test run before we made a commercial or thought about making one at least. When Black Hat walked in he said " Well, what is it this time Flug." " Well sir i've made a machine that should make an assistant for-" " Flug I don't need more idiots in this house." " Sir I am aware of this but it could sell very well and I could always use the help." He groans and tells me to make one. I think of my perfect assistant and add my DNA, then pushed the button. The lights flashed and it made a buzzing sound. Starting to fear it may explode i step back but just then the doors opened and a beautiful (Man/Woman) stood there. They had (H/C=hair color) and (S/C=Skin) skin. I blushed and thought ' Their amazing...' They fell to their knees so I go over to them.

Your point of view
I fall to my knees, weak in the legs and slowly open my eyes. I come face to face, well face to bag, to a scientist. I stared into his goggles for a second or two and he said " Ummm hello?" " Hello." I said calmly. " Oh for the love of evil, Flug give them some test work and see how they do. If their bad we can just destroy them." The man in black said leaving. " Oooohh boyyyy." said Mr.Flug helping me down and over to a chair. "How do you feel?" " Ummmm i'm ok i think." He nods and look at me like he's thinking. " Ok umm well to start you are going to be my assistant here in my lab." I nodded listening to him as he continued " You we'll help me create devices that we can use and give to Black Hat the guy who was just in here." I nodded again and Mr.Flug put me to work. Mixing chemicals, repairing devices, even glueing a vase that had been broken by someone in the house. I did great after everything and Flug gave me the stamp of approval. After everything, because I pasted and was to live with them. He gave me a name, (Y/N= Your name) I liked it.

( Ok that's it for now if you want i can make a part two it's up to you :p)

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