Black Hat x Child!Reader Part 2

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Warning: It's a bit gory at the start.

I'm looking out my window watching the trees go by as me and my family drive home from our night at the movies. The radio is playing soft music and my mother softy hums to the toon. I look at my father who smiles at me in the mirror. When out of nowhere a deer tries to go across the road, so my father turned to try and miss it and we hit a close by tree. I hit the back of my moms seat as I hear glass shatter. Slowly opening my eyes I look up to where my parents were. The front window was broken and large pieces of glass are everywhere. My Moms head was laid on the dash, with cuts and glass all over her. My Dad was laid back in his seat with glass in cutting through his shirt and pants. "M-mommy?....Daddy?" I said with tear filled eyes. I try for what felt like forever to wake them, but they never did."P-please don't.." I couldn't look at them anymore and ran from the car.

7 years later

I woke up from my dream with tears going down my face. It was 7 years ago I lost my parents. Now i'm 16 living with a group of villains as their villain in training. Ever since Black Hat went back to see if they were really dead, he's been there for me. It was funny to me, how a villain like him could care so much about someone. I was so lucky to have him, I was so lucky to have everyone here. Flug was like a uncle or brother, Dementia was like a sister and 5.0.5 was my best friend... and Black Hat was like my dad.

I sat up in my bed and wiped my tears away. Then got up and went down stairs. I walked into the dining room to see everyone awake. I sat by Black Hat and waited for 5.0.5 to bring in breakfast. "Are you ok (Y/N)?" Flug said looking at you. "What do you mean?" I asked but before Flug could speak Black Hat made me look at him. " You had that dream again, didn't you?" He said holding my face, looking at my puffy eyes. I looked down and nodded slowly. He let go of my face and looked away. " After training today come to my office please." " Ok Black Hat." I told him as 5.0.5 walked in with breakfast.

Time skip

I was breathing hard as I finished my daily training. I took a shower and put on my normal everyday clothes, then started for Black Hat's office.

I knock on the door waiting for him to answer. "Come in (Y/N)." I opened the door and sat in the chair in front of his desk. " So this dream it's always the same, right?" He had a very serious look. " Yes sir, every time." He looked away " Do you like it here (Y/N)?" " Of course sir, you guys are like family to me."  I was surprised by the question, why would he that i didn't. " Are you sure?" " Yes, why would you think this?" He stood up " Because (Y/N), you had a happy life, you've seen different places, you had friends, you learned things that didn't involve stealing. You... you had a good life but every since that day I fear i've taken it from you." I stood up too watching his movements. " Black Hat that morning, after my parents dead, you told me if I had no one, I could stay with you. Black Hat you could have left me outside or told me to leave and you didn't. You to me in and raised me, and i've got a childhood like no one else in the world. At least I don't think most kids learn how to use a flamethrower at 10, but be sides that. Black Hat your like a dad to me and because of you i've had a good life."

Black Hat had a smile on his face and not his evil smile, a loving smile almost. He walked to me and put a hand on my shoulder."Thank you (Y/N)." " For what?" " For giving me a good life." I smiled and hugged him. He slowly hugged back  and I could tell, he was still smiling and ever since that day I called Black Hat my dad.

{Editing} Villainous x reader oneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang