BlackHat x Sad!Reader

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Warnings: Thoughts of suicide and Etc
(Ps. This sucks so my sorry)

Your point of view

I stood on the balcony looking over the town. Wind blowing my hair, the sun in my eyes. I like it here, but... it's been hard. My past wasn't the best and in the end, I started feeling happier being here. Although I still don't feel right. The world is brighter here with my friends, but behind closed doors my mind wonders back to my sadness. The thoughts if they really do care. The thoughts that they just pity me, and let me stay. The thoughts of.... disappearing forever. It could be over in a heartbeat. Right here in front of me, the only thing they would have to worry about was the mess after words. I look down at the ground below and put my legs over the railing. I sat there for a long time just with me feet over the edge, looking down. Then I heard the door open. I turn to see who it was. Black Hat stood not far form me a bit surprised. He walked closer and stood next to me with his hands on the railing. " Are you going to jump?" He asked looking forward. " Why do you care?" " One the fact that most of the time after someone kills them self, their soul is stuck as a invisible ghost watching other people be happy with the other dead souls." I was turning my body around to face him but fell back, with half my body over the side. Thankful Black Hat took my hand and pulled me back up into a standing position, holding me to him. " My first reason and the fact I can't lose my favorite employee." He left me standing their still shocked by the whole thing. Then my shocked turn into a happy smile knowing that I had someone to live for.

(A\N I'm so sorry it's bad!)

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