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So today I saw this...

So today I saw this

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So I did this...

What is this? Look out your window, what do you see? Do you see a road with a few trees here and there, or do you see woods. The woods hold the truth, not just that they are there, but look. Do you see it? The trash? The sewage leaking , spewing into our very own waters that our children will play in. The waste land to be. What do you see? In the woods I see hope, that is so close to leaving our grasp that there really is no hope at all. So what are we? Are we monsters? If so, are we all? When you look into the crowd, what do you see? Hope, or disgust? Hope of the future, or disgusted by the future. Now we all now that any one reading this as seen videos of what is to become of us, but what more do we need to show the world that we are monsters. Even the best of us are monsters. We all litter, it's a common fact. Can't find a trash can? This grass where no is looking seems like the best idea, right? We all have or will think that in someway. But how much longer until there is no someday or tomorrow for all of us? Not just homo sapiens, but all creatures big and small. It's not a matter of if anymore, it's a matter of when.

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