Something in the air

7 0 0

 A hand reached out to grasp something in the air.

The hand was broken and splintered, but it still moved forward to grasp something in the air.

The hand meant to curl around an object, but nothing was there.

So the hand continued to move forward to grasp something in the air.

The hand was pushed by another and lost its path that was once deemed safe.

But the hand moved forward to grasp something that it can love and hold.

So the hand reached out once more to grasp something that was in the air.

The hand was broken and splintered, but somehow it found its purpose.

But the hand was not happy and left what it had gained to only lose everything.

The hand is broken, splintered, and alone with no purpose to move forward.

So the hand rests here and says goodbye to no one.

A hand reached out to grasp something in the air.

But it reached too far. 

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