
17 1 6

The flowing creeks sweep the crumbs up as the road twists and turns in every way possible. And each crumb contains a sin. 

A lie. A remark of hatred. An unappropriated action. A fowl word. A crime. Anything.

Soon the creek will hold no water. 

Soon the creek will hold only crumbs. 

Crumbs that symbolize what each of us have done.

Crumbs that are encased by other crumbs of greater sins. 

And soon the creek will lead to a river. 

And soon that river will hold no water. 

That river will be full of sins from around the community and more. 

No longer will the crumbs be able to be named, for the crumbs look the same.

Soon the river will lead to a lake.

And soon that lake will hold no water.

The lake will be full of sins incapable of forgiveness. 

To those oblivious to the crumbs that slowly fill our ponds, our lakes, and our oceans. They see that they have casted away all of the wrong doings they had done. 

Instead, one can say that they simply littered their sins throughout the Earth.

Just like the way humans are, were, and always will be.

Ignorant fools who walk the Earth and call themselves a god worthy of worship. 

Each crumb that lands in the water symbolizes a sin being "casted" away. And the lucky few who see the damage are to afraid to speak up. For their community will shun them and tell them they are wrong. 

In many years the oceans will be full of crumbs of many sizes. And you will see that your sins were never casted away. They simply got tucked away in the bin of mistakes that you force yourself to forget. 

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