I can see the world now (and some ranting)

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So some of you know what happened a month ago with my work and now that's calmed down enough where I thought I could relax. However, my brother. I love him to death but he has gotten himself into something that he really can't escape without causing pain to everyone including a to be child. 

So my brother fell in love (yay!)


I don't like her

Now some of you may think that I have no control over that, and you are completely correct. I can't make my big brother fall in love with someone who I like. But. There is one thing that I just can't take anymore. She wants to have animals but she doesn't want the burden of taking care of them. So she keeps them in an unsafe environment. Luckily, I got my brother to finally listen to me and is going to try to get rid of these animals and find them safe homes. 


This poem I wrote Thursday and haven't had a chance to open my laptop. (I am not typing on my phone)

When you were calling out for help with your drugs and drinks I was calling out for help with my blood and tears. You knew of my pain, but I was oblivious to yours.

Now, you are calling out for help by shutting us out and falling in love.

I am calling to you and calling letting the phone ring until it beeps. I am here for you big brother. Let me help you this time. There is no point to argue about shielding my eyes from this harsh world. For I have faced it head on and am awaiting round three.

I wasn't there for you before, but this time is different. I am not blinded by the light on innocence anymore. I can see the world now big brother. Let me help you get out of this dark hole you first built but now intend to leave. 

Short but meh

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