Chapter 7 {Taken}

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Kara's P.O.V
- As a constant ringing rung through Lena's office, I groggily opened my eyes.

My phone sat on the table across from our laid out bodies on the couch.

Lena's arm was wrapped around my waist, I sat up slowly, moving her arms to her side.

I grabbed my phone, 8 missed calls from Alex, 14 messages from Alex, 2 missed calls from Winn, and 1 missed call from James.

I grabbed my glasses immediately, when did I take them off?

Throwing them on, I slowly slid home screen to turn on my phone.

I called Alex back and she, almost immediately answered.

"Kara! Where the hell are you?" She screeched and I withdrew the phone from my ear.

I stood up rapidly, "I am on my way." I whispered.

"Why are you whispering?" She yelled again, there was movement in the back round of where she was.

"S-Sorry, just.. tired." I responded with a partial lie.

Lena was still dead asleep, I pondered if I should tell her I'm leaving or just leave, she looked so peaceful.

I rushed out of her office, leaving the building fully and going into the closest alleyway.

I boosted into the air, heading home to get my suit.

I threw it on and went straight to the DEO.

I landed and was bombarded by Alex. "What the hell Kara? It's 9:45! James actually had to go stop a robbery, an armed robbery!"

"Actually, Alex it wasn't that-" James started but Alex shh'd him.

"Look! I'm sorry, geez, get off my back." I pushed passed her, walking down the stairs.

"Kara! Don't move another step!" Alex pressed on to our conversation.

"Or what? You gonna punch me?" I turned back to her, most eyes were on us.

"Kara, I swear to god-"

"You gonna call up Lena's mommy and make her move away? Remember when you did that? What was it? Hmm...8th grade?" She looked terrifying at that moment, but I wouldn't admit it.

"Kara, you are-"

"Why do you hate me so much? Because I'm Gay?" I screamed at her, but when I finally let my words set in, I stepped backwards, not daring to look at the facial expressions that surrounded me.

Her body tensed and she clenched her jaw, the visible jaw line becoming even more visible.

"You are no Danvers." She stated blankly, making my face fall.

"No, Alex, I-"

"Leave Kara...Zor-El."

I bit my bottom lip, holding back tears that threatened to fall, I lowered my head.

I sped away within a blink of an eye, I was there and than I wasn't, it was simple.

I flew far away, maybe not too far, but there was a road in the middle of nowhere and I sat on a rock to the side of it.


A purring sound came from down the road.

There wouldn't be an actual car here...would there?

As it pulled to stop in front of me, I smiled slightly.

"Lucy Lane." I looked at her, she was beautiful, I admit.

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