Chapter 18

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Hey guys! Sorry for not updating! Blame me for my laziness and activities I joined! So sorry! And I hope you guys will enjoy this chapter!


Hiccup's P.O.V


Me and my army were screaming as we went foward to attack Dagger's army. I saw Alvin called for his Whispering Death, Killer, that he tamed a few years ago. I guess he figured out how to make a saddle for it after all these years. My friends and I used our dragons to destroy their catapults and ships to make sure they can't escape. Dagger had his Skrill and I saw Drago with his captured dragons. I was so angry at Drago for capturing those dragons! I saw our army below us. 'They need help!' I thought."Guys! Go help the others down there! I'll go fight Dagger while Alvin get the wild dragons to Dragon Island!" I shouted to my friends and Alvin (See what I did there?). I still don't trust Alvin as a 'friend'. They all nodded and flew to their respected positions to help out. After looking for Dagger for about 10 minutes, I found him. I took one glance at my friends they seem fine. Except I can't find Astrid. 'Maybe she went to get more weapons?" I thought. Then I charged at Dagger. "DAGGER!!!" I shouted as I flew closer to him. He turned around and grinned evily. "Ah! There you are Hiccup! Look! Who do I have here with me?" He said. Then, I saw... ASTRID!!! "PUT ME DOWN YOU FREAK! LET GO OF MY HAIR!!!" I heard her shout. He yanked her hair some more. "Shut it!" He shouted at her, then threw her to the ground while two of his men chained her up. "Grrrrrr!" She growled loudly. Then I remember that dragon call! "Let her go Dagger!" I shouted. "Why should I? I can make her my slave, and I can kill you slowly while she watches, so she can suffer more as she watches her precious lovely lover-boy Hiccup gets KILLED!!!" He spat the last word to me. Astrid could've been really angry at that so she kicked him in his knees. He fell to the ground, sighing then got back up to his feet and ran to 'his' Skrill. "Worst mistake EVER!" He shouted and aim 'his' Skrill to shoot at us (I used 'his' like this cause the Skrill was captured. Not tamed!). As it was about to fire at us, something unexpected happened. "Thornado?!?" Me and Astrid shouted in unison. "*Gasp*! Thornado's adopted hatchlings! They've grown!" I said. Thornado and his/her (I donno!) hatchlings roared ferociously at the Skrill. The Skrill fainted by hearing their roars. "NO! Get up, you useless dragon!!!" Said Dagger while kicking it. "Ugh! You will pay for this Hiccup! But this is just my first phase!" He said, evily. "Oh we know Dagger! We know what phase two is!" Astrid shouted. "WHA-?!?" Screamed Dagger. We were untied by Savage. "YOU! TRAITOR!" Shouted Dagger to Savavge. "But no matter! *Snaps Fingers* DRAGO! Turn on the 'Sprayer'!" Shouted Dagger. I giggle as I heard the word 'Sprayer'. 'Really Dagger?!? No other good names to use?!?" I thought. "Alright! And I'm not your assistant!" Drago shouted and turned a valve to release a type of toxic gas. 'Dragon Root gas!' I thought. "GUYS! NOW! I shouted loud enough for all my friends and Alvin to hear. They listened and help put on their dragon's masks. Yup! We, well I came up with it! And it worked! "Dagger, it's over! No more war!!! Your armies and 'pet dragons' can't help you now! Just surrender!" I offered. "Never!" "So be it." I replied. I took out my sword but then, Drago came in and rescued him. "Thank you so much, Drago!" I heard him scream. "So long losers!" And they both flew of on one wild dragon. "Whooaaa! Hey! Control this will ya?" He screamed well you try controlling this beast!" Drago screamed at Dagger. "VICTORY!!!" I screamed. "YAY!!!" my men screamed.


Astrid's P.O.V


"VICTORY!!!" I heared Hiccup shout with glee. I ran up to him. He saw me and lifted me from the ground, spun me around while kissing me romanticly. After we broke the kiss, we stared into each others eyes. "You were really brave out there!" I complemented. "You too. How you fought the Bezerkers before you got caught." I smiled. Everyone cheered. "A feast at the Great Hall for all!" Hiccup shouted. They cheered. Me and Hiccup ate a little and went to a cliff with a romantic view of the sunset. Sitting there together, we just had to have 'dessert' early. We kissed for so long. We lost track of time. Our dragons didn't follow us so we had some privacy. We walked back to find the whole village still enjoying the feast. "Let's get home first, Hiccup," I suggested. "Sure! I'll walk you home!" He replied. When we finally reached my house, I turned around and kissed Hiccup. He kissed back. And we stood there, kissing, with no one watching us. After we broke the kiss, I said, "Goodnight, Hiccup!" " 'Night Astrid!" He replied. I threw him a flying kiss and went in my home. He's so romantic sometimes!

Hey guys! Forgive me for not updating early enough! Hope you like this chapter. Cause it's about to end... Sad! (>~<,) But if you want, I'll make a book two and I'm thinking of making crossover stories. Just tell me which crossover you want on my message board! And maybe a Hunger Games Fanfic? Maybe... Oh and vote, comment and share! Bye!


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