Adopted- C. Herrmann

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this is a request from @Dieno878 !!

Allison's P.O.V.
My body goes numb as they keep throwing punches at me. My face hurts so bad. My eye is swollen and black and my lip is busted with blood gushing out of it. I just want this to be over with. They finish as the school bell rings and leave me as I sob in a ball. I pick myself up and head to the place that always comforts me. The firehouse. I walk in trying to keep anyone from seeing me until I can get to the bathroom and clean myself up. With my luck, my Aunt Shay sees me just as I slip into the bathroom. She walks in and sees my face through the mirror. Her eyes widen and she walks towards me and spins me around. "Oh my gosh! Al, what happened? Are you okay!? Who did this to you?" I don't respond but instead I cry in her arms. She leads me outside to find my dad even though I beg her not to. She takes me into the kitchen area where my dad and the rest of the house are sitting. They all look at me which wide eyes and dropped jaws. My dad turns around to see what everyone is looking at and gasps at the sight of me. He walks to me and grabs my hand taking me into the conference room without saying a single word. "Oh my God! Hunny what happened to you?" he asked. "Nothing. I tripped over my shoe lace fell down some stairs at school. I'm fine I promise. I'm just a little sore," you responded. Almost convincing him. "You know you can always talk to me kiddo. And if you don't wanna tell me, then you can talk to anyone in this house, okay?" "Okay, dad," you reply.
*2 weeks later*
Not again. Here I was, in the same position as 2 weeks ago. Getting beat up. Not only were they hitting and punching me, they were calling me names and throwing stuff. I tried to fight back but you couldn't. Next thing I know, I hear a car horn and all of my bullies run. The next thing I see is my Uncle Kelly scooping me up in his arms and running toward his car. "Uncle Kelly, what are you doing here?" I asked trying to catch my breath. "Your dad wanted me to pick you up because it's raining. I'm taking you home right now and we are going to wait for your dad to get home so you can tell him what is going on. Is that understood?" he asked. I nodded in reply and the rest of the car ride was silent. I looked at your uncle and told him, "They do this to me because I don't have a mom and dad. I'm adopted and they treat me differently because of it. I don't understand why it matters," you said. All he does is hug me and in that moment my dad walks into the house. "Allison. Again? Don't tell me you fell down the stairs. You tell me what happened, right now!" he yelled. "Herrmann, take it easy. Look at her, she's scared. Don't yell at her. It's not her fault this happened." yelled my uncle. "You're right, i'm sorry. Thank you for bringing her home," he apologized. Uncle Kelly hugged me and left me to talk to my dad. "Sweetie, you have to tell me what's wrong so I know how to help you. I can't do anything unless you're honest with me. So please, tell me and I promise I will do everything in my power to make it better," he told me. I look at him and start crying. All he does is hold me and tell me everything is going to be alright. "They do this to me because i'm adopted. They always tell me mean things and they say my real mom and dad left me because they didn't want me," I sob. My dad wipes my tear and tells me, "Al, I want you to listen to me right now. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Your mom and I are so lucky that we got blessed with you. You have no idea how much you mean to us. Tomorrow, i'm going to go to that school and i'm going to talk to your principal and make sure those kids get expelled. I promise you that nothing bad is ever going to happen to you again. Not if I can help it." I hug him, never wanting to let go. "You're not going back there until we figure this out okay?" he asks. "Okay dad. I love you," I whisper. "I love you too, munchkin," he says with a kiss on the top of my head.

Sorry if this is bad!! I tried my hardest :/ If any of y'all want to request another scenario, message me or comment what you want and what character. Thank guys! Love you all :))

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