My Possesive Aplha Mate

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I was in the kitchen cleaning and cooking before the pack comes running in attacking me for foo. After i finish that and left the table ready i went to see Caitlyn and ask if she needed any help since my next choir isnt for about ten minutes.

"Hey Caitlyn!! Need any help cleaning the main room?"

"Hey Allison!! Umm ya. Get your butt over here and help before more choirs are added to my list for today."

"Okay calm down just be greatful i asked to help or you would be busy all day. I started cleaning while.chatting with Caitlyn. We have been best friends since i was ten years old which is when i came here. You can call us sisters since thats how close we are. I got lost in thought and didnt notice Caitlyn calling me.

"Allison!!! You have to go now, Jacob is coming!!" Jacob is the beta of the pack and canbe a real jerk even when it comes to helping others with the choirs.

"Omg!! Okay thanks Cait!! See you later at dinner." With that i head off to see my next duty. I check the list and wanted to die that moment. It was my turn to clean the alphas room. Alpha Derek. I didnt really like him cause he likes to make everyone feel less of themselves. But that didnt stop me from telling him off.

  I head towards Dereks room and look at the mess. This looks like a party was here and he didnt even pick up a single thing since then but that wasnt it. He is just a pig rolling in his own filth.

After half an hour of cleaning iwas almost done until i heard someone coming. I didnt really care cause i get paid to do this. I look up and see Derek making out with the pack slut, Brittney. She always thinks she is the one to rule with him and i actually think so since they both are real bitches to everyone but who knows.

  "The fuck you guys!!! Im cleaning here!! Mind not doing that right now!!" I see a smirk plastered on Dereks face. Oh god.

" You can join us and clean later."

"Ewww no!!! You pig!!! I'll just leave and see if i can clean someone elses room. At least i can still get paid."

With that i storm out but get pulled by my wrist and slammed into a hard chest.

" What the fuck?!?!? Let me go!!!" I look to see Dereks eyes turning black. Now i got him mad again. Good! I always like to get on his last nerve.

" Dont speak to me like that!! Remember this is my pack and everyone will treat me with respect!! Understood!?!?!"

" Whatever you say you royal pain in the ass mut!!" I knew i shouldn't have said that but he likes to be all like he is kind and powerful but he really is a dirty player of a mut.


"Fine whatever!" With that said i get out of his grip and head to my room. Everyone went to calm him and his wolf down. They see me and realize that we argued again. Serves them right to assign me to clean his room. I see Derek kicked out that bitch of a slut Brittny. Derek had a temper that you would have trouble to calm down. I used to have a crush on him when i was twelve. He has black hair, brown eyes, skin like mine, and stood at 5'7. He is tall and i reach hus shoulder but in heels im just at his nose. But over the year i realize that he is a player and would hurt a girl so i moved on.

I heard a knock at the door and told them to come in. It was my other friend Erick, he is third command i the pack. He looked upset again.

"Erick you okay?"

"Allison you know i told you so many times not to anger Alpha Derek. He wants to see you."

" Erick i know but he started it!! He was being an arrogant asshole!! And why does he want to see me to start another arguement!!"

"Allison please just talk to him. He is our alpha. Promise me you will not argue with him."

"Fine promise."

"okay go in already." I go in to see Derek furious. Good. Shows him right to disrespect me like that. Using my sweet kind voice i say.

"Dear alpha Derek you wanted to see me?" He looked shock for a minute until he realize the lil game i was playing.

"Dont tease me like that!! You kniw what you did was wrong!"

"Ohh okay then standing up for myself is wrong then!! You know i was cleaning your room and didnt need to see that make out session if yours. Your an asshole of a mut that walks over people!!"


"With pleasure." I see him going to reach for my arm but i run out the door before he can. Ha your not hurting me jerk.

My Possesive Alpha MateWhere stories live. Discover now