My Possesive Alpha Mate

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I kept trying to convince Derek to put me down and that I didn't mean to worry him but he just won't listen to me. I kept hitting his back in hopes he would put me down but he doesn't give in.

"Derek can you pretty pretty pretty please put me down. I really didn't mean to have you worry over me I swear. Just put me down."

"Sorry no can do. Three hours of worry and that's a lot for me to handle. Your staying up there till we get you back to the pack house."

"You jerk!!!! Put me down you big meanie!!!!"

Ten minutes of me screaming my lungs out he still hasn't put me down and we are back at the pack house. I really didn't wanna go in, I like being outside. I then remembered about my new powers and wondered what else I can do to my advantage. I look at my palm where the blue once was. I started to concentrate on how I can be put down. When all of a sudden I'm floating in the air . I look and see that my shoes were glowing blue and so were my palms. Wow I'm flying or hovering. I look all around and I could see the forest view. I wanted to go and see what else I can do with this new power. I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard Derek calling out to me. I look and see that I am about fifteen feet above him.

"Ally how the hell did you get up there??"

I giggled at how surprised and angry he looked.

" I used my new power to help me out. Now you can't get me!!!"

I sticked my toungue out at him in a teasing way. I knew he didn't like that I got away easily.

"Ally get down here now or else. I'm not kidding."

"Sorry babe no can do."

I used his exact words he used on me and he noticed too and he got even reder. He didn't like that very much. I started to try and move but I couldn't. I stayed focus on only my powers and trying to at least move with them. I then felt myself being moved and I looked around and noticed that I was moving on my own. i was flying all around in circles and looked down at at Derek to see him surprised.I giggled and flew around him.

"Cat got your tounge Derek??? You look surprised."

"Ally quit doing this to me. I hate it you do this magic all of a sudden."

"I'll stop if you promise not to get me in trouble. Deal?"

He stopped to think about it for a moment. He was taking long that I decided to float around a little away. He noticed and gave in.

"Fine. I won't do nothing."

With that I managed to come back down on the ground. He quickly wrapped his arms around my waist smelling my hair to calm him down.

"Okay chill. I was just floating."

He looked down at me and had the look of 'are you kidding me?' I just looked down not wanting to see his stare. He lift up my head by grabbing my chin,looking into his eyes i notice that he had what looks to be love in them. I smiled knowing that i have him on my life. He brought his lips down and kissed me gently and lovingly. I smiled into the kiss happy that i can call him mine. The moment was ruined as someone coughed trying to get our attention. I groaned annoyed they intrude. Derek just chucked amused at my behavior.

"Alpha we have word on alpha Troy demanding for you to give the hunter princess."

"I'll be there to talk to him."

Once he left i was left with him alone. I stared at him shocked. An alpha wants me for my power. I was gonna put the pack in danger. I looked at Derek tears threatening to fall out. He noticed and hug me. Rubbing down my hair in attempt to calm me.

"Derek I can't put you and the pack in danger!!! I just can't!! What are we gonna do!?!?!"

"Allison please calm down. I will protect you. You wont be alone. Imma go and deal with him. While you go to the library and check out what you can do. Okay?"

"Kay I'll see you later then."

He gave me a quick peck and walked to his office. I walked to the library amd was amazed at how huge this place was. Every book her i loved but i have to first find out about this hunter princess thing. I grab a book from the thousands and start my research.

********1hour later***********

After so long reading book after book i learned so much about this. I learned that the blue dust power is actually a gift i got from both my parents which gives me the power to protect myself from anyone. The power can give good or bad affects to anyone i target. And the new changes that has happened to me show others the beauty that was within me and that i am very powerful. I also learned that my mate will inherit half of my powers once we fully mate.

So much i have learned but i know that it isnt all i needed to know. I put the last book i was reading and was heading out when i hear this boom sound. I turn to see that a book poped out and landed on the desk open to a certain page. I walk over and what i see truly shocks me. Ohh godd.

My Possesive Alpha MateWhere stories live. Discover now