My Possessive alpha mate

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I got up and out of Derek's grasp and ignored his growl and walked up to Britney. She looked furious from me stalking towards her but she didn't say anything.

" Weren't you at the party last night Britney? Cause they made an announcement for Derek here that he is now alpha and has his mate with him. Do you know who his mate is cause she was up there with him?"

"No she wasn't cause I'm his mate!!! He couldn't have been with her I wasn't there!!"

"Well she was. Do you know who? Its me Britney.I'm his mate and I'm Luna now." She looked at me with anger and somewhat sadness but that disappeared and now she was furious. I get attacked and I'm pinned up to the wall my feet dangling and my hands trying to get free in hope I can get air in myself.

"YOU ARE NOT HIS MATE OR LUNA OF THIS PACK!!! I AM!!!" I'm finally released from her hold and I'm laying trying to breath properly. I look over and see Derek has her pinned to the wall.

"DON'T YOU DARE THREATEN MY MATE AND YOUR LUNA. I WAS NEVER YOUR MATE!!! IF YOU DARE AS HURT HER AGAIN YOU WILL BE SEVERLY PUNISHED!!!" He let her go and she ran out of there. Derek looked at me still seated on the floor and looked sad and angry. He walked over and picked me up.

"Are you okay Allison??"

"Yes im fine now. Help me up?" He picked me up and went to the kitchen and sat me down.

"What you wanna eat Allison??"

"You cook??"

"Yes i cook and im a great one at it too. How bout i make you pancakes with a fruit salad??"

"Sounds good!!" After we finish eating we go to the living room and watch tv. We decided to watch paranormal witness because its my favorite!! After a while I was getting tired but all of a sudden we hear a loud crash from upstairs. Derek quickly pushes me behind him and sniffs the air.

"Derek what's wrong?"

"Allison just stay behind me and don't do anything unless I tell you. Understand??"

It kinda scared me how his tone of voice changed so quick. With barely a whisper I answer him since he just stared at me.


All of a sudden at the top of the stairs stood a guy with bright blue eyes with blond hair spiked up. He actually look pretty cute but then he had this smirk and lust on him. All directed to me. I squirmed behind Derek feeling uncomfortable.

"What are you doing in my territory and house!?!" Derek all but shouted at him which caused me to jump. Derek looked at me apologetic while the other look amused.

"Well look you scared the beauty with your tone. You should calm down." Blonde boy said which caused Derek to growl at him.

"What do you want!?!?! I'm alpha of this pack and you are not allowed to be on this territory!!" Blonde boy looked amused and from my view I could see him holding something.

"Well we aren't here for your pack or to even put it in danger. All we want is a certain maid. They are useless anyway right?? Especially this one you have. My boss wants her. And we expect to get her." He growled the last part. Wait did he just say me!?!? Why!???! I look at him and he winks at me. I start to see him pull from behind his back a dart and from here the tip had silver which can kill any wolf or weaken an alpha. Derek look at me for a split second and thats when blondy shoots the dart. I go in front of Derek and the dart lands in my left shoulder. It stung but all I had to do is make sure that Derek didn't get mad for what I did. It hurt so much that I fell to the ground. I lay there trying to control my breathing. Derek put my head on his lap looking shocked and worried.

"Why Allison would you do that?" He said gently. I looked at him.

"Derek take care of the blonde first then me." With that said he put my head on a pillow and before he left he tried to take the dart out but I stopped him.

"Don't Derek.It's silver." He got up and from here I saw him attack him but then someone started to lift me and I notice he wasn't from the pack.

"Derek help!!! They have me!!" I looked at him and see him look down with blondy in a head lock. He couldn't do anything. I wanted to cry.

"Don't worry angel you will be in good hands." He then kissed my cheek. I felt grossed out. When we walked out he froze and I looked and saw the entire pack. In the front center I saw Erick and he looked pissed. I was so happy but at the same time really dizzy from this stupid dart that's making me lose blood.

"I suggest you put my best friend down or else you will die painfully slow." Erick growled out. The guy looked amused but at the same time you can see his fear. He looked down at me and smiled. He put me down gently but pushed me to him so my back was against his chest. The pack got tensed and steps forward but stopped when the guy grabbed the dart which I screamed in pain. I look behind me and see Derek he was about to grab him but he turned and had showed him that he can hurt me.

"I'll see you very soon Allison. JUST be ready. You won't expect it." He pushed me a lil forward which I winced at.

"Let me leave and no harm will come to her." He screamed and when no one answered he stick the dart in harder. I screamed which caused everyone to look hurt watching me like this. Derek was the first to speak.

"We will let you go but you only have a minute before my pack tears you apart."

Derek motioned the pack to make a path. The guy smiled and kissed my cheek before twisting the dart making me scream.

"You dam bastart he is letting you go!! Now quit with the dam pain!!" He kissed me on the lips and backed away.

"Until next time, my sweet." With that he runs into the forest followed by the pack chasing him. Once they all gone there was only Derek, Erick, Caitlyn, and Maxine.Derek's lil sister. I gave up there and fell right on the floor. Everyone's faces fell into worry and all ran to me well except Caitlyn who is holding Maxine.

Derek was gonna get the dart but I slapped his hand away. Erick looked at me confused.

"Derek I told you its silver and if you touch it, it's gonna hurt since it's twisted in there."

"I'm sorry Allison. It's all my fault!! But I need to get it out. I'm sorry!! Ugh go get the pack doctor, Rick, Erick. I'm so sorry Allison!!"

It hurt me to see him so upset. I just wanted to hug him but that will hurt. I put my palm on his hand trying to make him relax.

"Don't apologize. You couldn't do anything bout it. It was two against one. I'll be fine just don't touch it or you will get hurt. I don't want you to get hurt, that's why I took the dart for you." Tears streamed down my face thinking about him in this situation instead of me. He would be hurt and I would be kidnapped. Derek wiped my tears looking down at me.

"Allison I can handle myself. I just want you to be safe. " He kisses my cheek and all of a sudden I felt my eyes start to close from all the pain.

"Allison stay awake they are coming."I saw him look for help.

"Derek I'm really tired. I need to sleep." Derek grabbed me and put me in his lap. He had tears streaming down his eyes looking at me.

"Ally please just stay awake a lil longer. That dart will be out soon."

I grabbed the dart wincing at the pain that came from it. I looked at Derek and he looked terrified.

"Derek please help me take it out it hurts." I told him tears streaming down my face. He wrapped his hand around mine careful not to touch the silver. He kissed my forehead and then pulled it out quick, while I screamed at the pain. Tears stained my face and then I see Erick and Rick come running towards us. I threw the dart away and felt my eyes begin to shut. I heard Derek screaming for me to wake up but I couldn't. I finally feel people around me and decide to let darkness take over.

My Possesive Alpha MateWhere stories live. Discover now