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I am down stairs trying to make sure nobody hurts me. Then Jacob comes and makes everyone leave so its just me and him.

"Allison, why are you late? You know you have to be on time." He was stalking towards me lust in his eyes.

"Umm i woke up late and umm.... uhh.. ya."  He then had my waist in his hands and me pushed up against the wall. His leg in the middle of my legs and his face so close to mine. I tried to move by putting my hand on his chest and pushing him back, but he grabbed both of them in one of his and put them above my head.

"Allison, please dont resist me. I know you. And your mine. Mine only.Ohh and im not Jacob. Im his twin"

"What!?!?? Dont you dare touch me!!" He touched my ass and squeazed it. He had a smirk at my reaction. I cant believe he is doing this. He then had his head in my neck giving me small kisses trailing all over and then i felt his canines scimming my flesh. I started freaking out and thrashing around.

"STOP !!!STOP PLEASE!!" He then had a low chuckle but didnt stop kissing my neck.

"We havent even gotten in bed and your screaming already. Lets see what you can do in bed." He then started to lift me onto his shoulder. I thrashed around but both me and him stopped when we heard this loud furious growl. I look to see Derek furious. Hopefully not at me cause i had nothing to do with this.

"Jacob what are you doing!?!?!?"

"Alpha Derek, she was late today. So we both decided to talk upstairs."


"NO!! Of course not!!! And thats not Jacob, its his twin" I then ran to him once i was put down. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms went around his neck. I look like a little girl in his arms. I had my head burried in the crook of his neck. I then felt him hold me up. His warm hands around.

"Umm is she your mate or daughter??" He said in a joking manner. Thats when Derek growled. and he cowered back, fear and shock in his eyes.


Ohh no he did not just say that. I will deal with that later. He got in trouble of course. He was sent to the cells until Jacob came back.He then looks at me.


He look mad but his eyes were filled with lust. What does that mean??

"You smell of his scent.  And i dont like it."

"Ohh.. i will go shower then.. if you like."

"No i have a better way of cleaning you." He then had that smirk on him looking down at me. He lifts me up bridal style and carries me up the stairs to his room. Once we enter he throws me on the bed and i land with a thud on the bed. I then glare at him in which he returns with a smirk.

"Cocky alpha." I whisper under my breath but him having werewolf hearing he heard.

"What did you say to me sweetheart?!"

"Ohh... me?.. Nothing." Next thing you know i am straddled by him while he tickles me at my sides. I squirm and try to get him off of me but he is way stronger than me.

"Please.. Derek.. stop.. please!!"

"Say im the sexiest man alive and i will maybe let you go."


"Then nope." He kept tickleing me and i was really gonna die.

"FINE!! YOUR THE SEXIEST MAN ALIVE!!!!" He then stop the tickleing and lay next to me with his arms around my waist.

"Now about that smell of yours.Let get rid of that." He then tighten his grip around my waist and pulled me close to him. He then put his face in the crook of my neck like Jacobs twin did and started to kiss leading up to my jaw. He suck on my neck where my neck meets my shoulder.

"Derek please dont."

"Dont what??? Mark you as mine??" He look upset that i would reject him and i didnt want him to think that.

"Its not that i dont want to do... um... that. Im still kinda scared."

"Dont worry that comes later on. My mark will just show that no other male is suppose to touch you the way Jacobs twin did to you. So its just to keep you safe from all the males that want to hurt you." I could tell he had a hard time bringing up what Jacobs twin did to me and thinking about another male hurting me.

"Ohh but... will it .. Hurt??"

"At first it will but after a couple seconds it will turn into pleasure. So can i mark you?" I didnt know if i did want to be mark. I thought my life here would be fine without all the wolf drama but now it looks like in joining the full wolf world now.

"Yes." With that said he started kissing my neck and found a spot where it made me jump. I saw he had a smirk on him.

"Well i just found where your mark will be." I then feel his teeth sink into my skin and i screamed from the pain letting a few tears slip but then turned into pleasure. Derek then wipe away the tears and smiled at me.

"It beautiful, just like you. Now get some sleep." He wrap my arms around me and pulled me close. It felt real nice and with that i drifted off to my sleep of dreams.

My Possesive Alpha MateWhere stories live. Discover now