School Shooter Chic

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"Hey Connor loving the new hair length, very school shooter chic!" This is just what Connor wanted to hear. First day of senior year also means another year of being the school shooter and druggie. Connor stares at Jared, who made the rude comment, silently. He continues with "I was just...kidding. It's a joke"

"Yeah no it was funny. I'm laughing can't you tell?" He wasn't laughing. "Am I not laughing hard enough for you?" Connor steps forward and raises his voice.

"You're such a freak" Jared then leaves with that comment. Then, someone laughs.

"What the fuck are you laughing at?" Connor was pissed and this kid looked scared


"Stop fucking laughing at me"

"No no im not-"

"You think I'm a freak? I'm not the freak You're the fucking freak!" Connor shoves the mumbling boy to the ground and walks off.

Connor doesn't go to class after that, shocker, and instead sits in the bathroom all of first period. He doesn't know when he fell asleep but was brought back by a splash of water in his face. He looked up and saw a scowling janitor. Shitshitshitshitshitshitshitshit. He has 20 minutes to get home before it happens. Zoe left the keys in her car so he just leaves. He drove 15 over the speed limit. He gets home and immediately runs to the indoor pool in the basement with only seconds to spare. His mom comes downstairs hearing the door slam and seeing nothing she decides to check the basement. She sees Connor sitting on the edge of their indoor pool staring into the water. She brings him a towel and goes to tell her husband that he's home.


This is super short and no one is reading this wtf

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