It's Real

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Lets talk about the amazing picture above. The design was done by my best friend (Check the dedication)  and I did the colors digitally. If you guys want to see the colorless paper drawing I'm sure I could show you guys with their permission. Anyways, this chapter is 1300+ words and I still feel like it isn't done but I need sleep. Enjoy!


       "Evan I promise this is real. I wouldn't lie about this to you. That's why I came to tell you." Connor was starting to get worried. He knew Evan was going to freak out or say he was lying.

       "It's getting late Connor, you should go home. I'll text you in the morning ok?" And this would be the last time Connor heard from Evan, at least that was what Connor thought.

       Connor tried his best to sleep that night but he was kept awake by thoughts like, he doesn't believe you, when he sees it himself he will just abandon you and other such thoughts until his phone buzzed. He hadn't realized how late it was until he saw his phones clock read 2:38 AM. He had recently changed Evan's contact name, and reading it made him smile, thinking of the previous day

Bubblegum Bitch: I can't sleep wbu

Me: nope not a wink

Me: is it bc of earlier

Bubblegum Bitch: yeah kinda. I got an hour of sleep when you left but now i cant sleep anymore

Me: hey youre doing better than me lol

Bubblegum Bitch: so that

Bubblegum Bitch: earlier... wasn't a dream?

Me: nope. it was all real

Great here it comes. He's gonna call you a freak any second now and he will never talk to you again.

Bubblegum Bitch: Can I see?

       That was not the response Connor expected. Ways Evan could make fun of him swarmed in his head. What if Evan wanted to see so he had blackmail material or so he could make fun of him and not be wrong?

Bubblegum Bitch: wait no that was uncalled for I'm so sorry I shouldn't have asked this is probably a really private thing and it's not my place to ask things like that

Me: Evan chill its fine I don't care about you asking questions

Me: I guess I can show you tomorrow since we don't have school

Bubblegum Bitch: Awesome. should we do anything else tomorrow? Friends do stuff together right?

       Friends... Connor thought that had a nice ring. He had never had friends and thought he never would since his secret was so humiliating and would be discovered if he had friends.

Me: Sure wanna go back to the orchard sans rain this time

Bubblegum Bitch: Sounds amazing I can't wait. I'm gonna try going back to sleep so see you tomorrow

Me: k night Evan

Me: Wait Ill come get you whats a good time

Bubblegum Bitch: Oh i dunno like 12:30? night Connor

       Both Connor and Evan slept until noon the next day. Connor didn't care, he just put on new jeans and his hoodie, but Evan was panicking. He had to take a shower, change, get something to eat, and do a letter. He decided to skip eating and writing a letter and was ready in ten minutes.

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