Lemonade Mouth and Depression

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Whoa Haley updated with a real chapter is the world ending??? Nope I just finally was inspired to write so here's this! I'm sorry for not updating for real in a long time but this is here now!

Trigger Warning: almost suicide I guess? and suicidal thoughts


After the events of the previous weekend, Connor and Evan had gotten closer and became close friends. They talked in the halls and sat together with Jared at lunch. The three had decided to go to the amusement park the coming weekend since it had been either Evan and Connor, Connor and Jared, or Evan and Jared hanging out but never the three together. After they had made the plans the lunch bell rang and they went their separate ways.

The rest of the school week dragged on slowly. Connor Evan and Jared ate lunch together every day and made plans regarding their weekend. On Friday, they decided they would sleep over at Evan's house and go on Saturday. They also decided to spend Saturday night at Evan's as well.

Friday came and they all walked to Evan's house together trying to decide what movie they would watch when Jared's phone rang. "Sorry guys I have to go home but I'll come over in the morning. Bye!" Jared turned and ran toward his house as Evan and Connor waved and continued home.

When they got to Evans house, Connor pulled up Netflix and Evan went to go make snacks. He brought two bowls, one with chips and one with popcorn, and sets them on the table and goes back for drinks. Connor pulls up Lemonade Mouth and waits.

"Wow blast from the past. what are we 12?" Evan laughed and sat on the couch, a good distance from Connor.

"Yep definitely." Connor took his drink from Evan and started the movie.

The room was silent, aside from the movie and occasional laughter from the two. They had both ended up sitting right next to each other before the Halloween Bash scene. After awhile, Evan was leaning against Connors shoulder subconsciously and was beginning to fall asleep until he heard a sniffle. He sat up and looked at Connor, who was crying. Evan looked at the screen to see all the kids laying on the grass talking about their inadequacies. Evan scooted closer and leaned on Connors shoulder but stayed silent. Connor cried through the next song before calming down. Evan had fallen asleep on Connors shoulder only seconds into the song. Connor gently nudged Evan in an attempt to wake him, but he didn't even stir. With a sigh, Connor gently moved Evans head to his lap and Evan, reflexively, pulled his legs on the couch.

Connor eventually had to get up to use the bathroom so he carefully slid out from under the sleeping boy and made his way to the bathroom. He walked in the small room and locked the door behind him and proceeded to cry. He decided he wasn't going to break down where Evan had a chance of seeing him so he was crying in the room where he made Evan cry. Seeing the friendship of the band mates in the movie made him think and that's usually not good.

His thoughts were somewhere along the lines of 'a freak like you doesn't deserve friends or whatever Jared and Evan consider you. Probably just pity you. Evan is only nice to you so he can stab you in the back with the secret you trusted him with. They wouldn't notice if you just disappeared. You don't deserve to live, why not kill yourself'

That thought was the one that pushed him over the edge. He left the bathroom, grabbed his phone, and quietly left, as not to wake Evan, little did he know, Evan was awake.

Connor walked toward the bridge the bridge overlooking a very deep and rocky trench near the orchard with Evan a safe distance away, unbeknownst to him. When he arrived he stood in front of the rail and fiddled with his phone

To: Bubblegum Bitch

Evan I have something I need to do. I'm sorry, don't blame yourself. Thank you for being my friend

Connor had begun to climb the railing when Evan ran from his hiding spot yelling.

"Connor wait don't!" Evan ran up and pulled Connor from the railing onto himself while crying. "C-Connor p-please." Connor pushed himself into a sitting position and helped Evan sit up. At this point they were both grossly sobbing on a bridge in the middle of the night.

Once they had calmed down, Connor was the first to speak.

"How did you find me?"

"W-well y-you left and I was worried... soIkindafollowedyouI'mreallysorry" Connor just hummed in response. "I'm not going to ask why, b-but please don't."

"Why not? It's not like my life matters to anything. I don't want to exist anymore. I'm a freak and should have never been born in the first place. My death wouldn't matter."

Evan was now in front of Connor sitting on his knees and gripping Connors shoulders as if when he let go, Connor would fade from existence.

"You matter. To me, to Jared, hell even to Zoe. I-I know you d-d-don't realize it but she cares and so do Jared and I. You aren't a f-fr-freak, you're just different, and different is good. If you died, well, I'd probably off myself as well if we're being honest. That's something to think of another day. Anyway, my point is... no one deserves to disappear, especially you Connor."

He wanted to respond, but the words were lost as more tears spilled down his face.

"Connor you mean the world to me so please, live. If not for yourself, for me." At this point, Evan was crying too. Connor locked Evan in a tight embrace and together, they cried on a bridge at midnight.

Once they had calmed down, they walked back home together.

"You can have the bed, you know where my room is, I'll sleep on the couch, I don't mind."

"Evan this is your house-" Evan cut him off

"And you are my guest who I want to be comfortable so, you get the bed and that's final." Evan smiled but he sounded serious, so Connor just nodded and they went to bed.

After an hour, Connor still hadn't slept a wink. He heard the door creak open and when he looked, he saw Evan in the door crying.

"I-I was j-just making s-sure you were ok. You're really here right?"

"I'm here Evan. If you're worried, stay up here. This bed is big enough." Evan hesitated, but crawled in the bed beside Connor, his back facing the others. After about 20 minutes, Connor could hear quiet snores coming from Evan, who had turned to face him and had his unbroken hand resting on Connors back. Connor turned as well so they were facing each other. He saw dried tears streaking Evans face and fresh ones spilling out of his closed lids. All of the sudden, Evan was gripping Connors shirt and pulling him closer. Connor carefully wrapped his arm around the trembling boy. He seemed to calm down, so Connor stayed like that. He ended up falling asleep like that.


I couldn't do angst and not add fluff. This is kinda sloppy but I wrote it all in like 12 hours and haven't sent it to my friend for a proofread. I'm gonna ask this again and hopefully I'll get answers. 

Smut. Yay nor Nay?

Also please go check out my Boyf Riends book if you haven't!!!

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