Jared Fucking Kleinman

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Connor decided to go to school the next day, but he knew he wouldn't be staying. He planned to skip after lunch.

"Connor please don't leave school today," his mon was at his door with a concerned tone and expression, "your father is going to be home all day and he will be furious if he finds you here. I have to go too so I won't be here." He figured she was going to do some yoga retreat, seeing as she hasn't gone to one in a month, but didn't say anything. She sighed and went back downstairs.

"Connor I'm leaving with or without you in five minutes!" Zoe yelled while heading downstairs and out the door. Connor sighed, threw on his grey hoodie and went to their shared car. The ride was silent, but when is it not? When they arrived Zoe handed him the keys and said "If you leave please just come back and pick me up after jazz band. I don't want to have to call Larry." He took the keys and just went inside the school.

"Connor!" Great. Connor turned to look at his least favorite person, Jared Kleinman. "I saw you and Evan in the hall yesterday. Don't make him get high or anything. If he gets hurt I lose my car insurance and I can't do that" Connor rolled his eyes and walked the other direction with Jared yelling "I'm serious Connor don't do anything to him." What would I even do? I've talked to him once.

Connor kept walking forward, looking at the ground, until he ran into someone. Connor finally looked up to see Evan on the ground. "Oh shit sorry Evan here," he held out his hand to help him up. Evan grabbed Connors hand and stood up.

"Sorry Connor..." His words were barely audible and he looked at the ground

"No don't be sorry I ran into you. Are you ok?" Evan looked up and smiled

"Yeah I'm fine." holy shit am I gay right now "D-do you wanna eat lunch with me and Jared?" Evans sentence cane out more as 'D-doyouwannaeatlunchwithmeandJared?!' but Connor figured out what he was trying to say

"Sure Hansen, why not." With that one sentence, Evans anxious stance dissipated and he smiled. Not a big toothy grin, but a warm smile that could (and did) melt someones heart. It made Connor smile too. "See you at lunch then." Connor waved and walked toward the library. When he got there, he grabbed Lost Souls and read the entire period. Evan went to his first period class he shared with Jared, still smiling.

"Evan I see you and Hot Topic are getting along quite nicely." Jared looked at Evan with a smirk on his face. Evan blushed and looked away

"He's my friend. He's not as much of a jerk as you make him out to be, he's actually pretty nice"

"Did you just call him pretty?! Evans got a-!" Before Jared could yell the rest of that sentence, Evan covered his mouth.

"I-i-it's n-not like that!" Jared sits back down but is still smirking.

"Fine fine just.. don't get in over your head. He is not a good guy." Evan looked out the window but still nodded in recognition.


So this is pretty short but the next chapter is going to be hella longer and more eventful than this in the next chapters. Originally this and the next chapter were going to be together as one chapter but the second part was soooo long so I'll upload that soon. It's almost ready

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