Tears and Movies

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 Wow I updated twice in a week! What a shock!!


Evan Woke up the next morning to an empty space beside him, a blanket draped over him, and the smell of bacon. He groggily sat up and looked around. Jared was gone and so was Connor. He was in his clothes from the day prior still. Slowly he made his way to the kitchen with the blanket around his shoulders to find Connor sitting on the counter talking to his mom who was making breakfast. Jared was at the table asleep again. He went and sat next to Connor and, without saying a word, laid his head on the others shoulder.

"Good morning Evan. Do you want some bacon and eggs?" Heidi turned to look at her half asleep son who just nodded.

"Why are you home? Don't you have work?" 

"I took today off but I do still have class tonight so I will only be here until around six. How many pieces do you want?" Evan held up two fingers and closed his eyes, still laying in Connors shoulder. "Why are you all so tired today? Did you have a good time at the amusement park?" Both Connor and Evan thought of the Ferris Wheel and their faces flushed.

"Y-yeah mom. It was great." He hoped she wouldn't ask anything else.

"Did you go to the water-park part?"

Evan felt Connor tense and responded quickly. "Me and Jared did but lets not talk about it." Heidi nodded and started putting plates together.

"Connor could you wake Jared up? Evan go take your medicine before you eat." Both boys hopped off the counter and did as Heidi instructed. Jared groaned but sat up when he heard Connor say breakfast. Evan decided to get dressed before he went back to the kitchen. He put on a green shirt and a pair of jeans before going downstairs. He sat in between Connor and his mom and ate in silence. He was still thinking back to the events of the previous day, mostly the Ferris Wheel. Why did you do that you complete idiot  he probably thinks you're weird now. No he definitely thinks your weird. 

"Evan are you ok?" Everyone was giving Evan a concerned look. He had been gripping his fork so hard his knuckles were white and tears were threatening to spill from his eyes.

"Y-yeah I just... I'll be b-back." Evan ran to his room, loudly slamming the door behind him.

"I'm gonna go see what's wrong." Jared got up and headed up to Evans room. Connor mumbled in agreement following close behind. "Evan whats going on." They both stood at the door, unable to open it after Evan heard them coming and locked the door.

"N-nothing go away Jared." Jared sighed and left but Connor was not leaving, so he sat in front of the door. "J-Jared why are yo-you still here." Connor could hear his voice shaking and sniffles coming from the other side.

"Oh he left already, it's just me now and I don't plan on leaving any time soon" Evan replied quietly but Connor couldn't hear him, so they in silence with only the sound of Evan's sobbing for another five minutes. Then, as the sobbing stopped, Connor heard the click of a lock. He almost immediately opened the door and sat down in front of Evan. "Please tell me what's wrong. I'll listen I promise." Evan looked him in the eyes and almost cried again.

"I'm sorry about the Ferris Wheel thing..." His face was buried in his arms so Connor couldn't fully understand, but he got the idea.

"Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything wrong." Connor hesitantly put his hand on Evans shoulder. "If your talking about the hand holding I really didn't mind. It was kinda nice actually." Evan looked up to see Connor smiling. This brought him to tears again. "Wait whats wrong now did I do something? I'll just go.." He went to stand but was stopped by Evan grabbing his wrist and pulling him closer. 

"Please s-stay. Y-you did n-nothing wrong." His hands and voice were trembling so Connor just sat beside him and pulled him into a warm embrace. 

Evan eventually cried himself to sleep soon after that so Connor picked him up and put him in bed. He made his way back downstairs to find the table cleaned and Heidi and Jared on the couch watching Moana. 

"Hey Connor. How is Evan?" Heidi was the first to notice Connor in the doorway.

"He fell asleep so he's in bed. He said he felt better so when he wakes up tell him I went home would you," Connor began to walk to the door when his arm was seized by Heidi.

"Actually you are staying. I think he would rather you be here." She forced him onto the couch and went to her spot as Jared snickered. The three watched Moana and waited for Evan in silence, aside from Jared laughing at something on his phone occasionally, until Connors phone went off. Bubblegum Bitch was playing, that was Evan's ringtone.

Bubblegum Bitch: Can u come back up here

Me: Yeah gimme a sec

"I'll be right back." Heidi and Jared waved and stayed focused on the movie and he made his way upstairs. He found Evan hugging his knees and playing around on his phone. "Hey. You alright?" Evan nodded and patted the spot beside him, signaling Connor to sit. When Connor sat down Evan let go of his knees and looked at him. "R-remember the first time w-we hung out at the orchard and I said I was b-bisexual?" Connor looked confused but nodded. "I think a better way to describe me is... M-Murphyse-sexual..." He mumbled the last bit but it was still understandable.

"I thought you didn't like my sister anymore?" Evan sighed. He disappointed Connor didn't understand but only because that meant he had to explain better.

"I don't" Now Connor looked extremely confused and Evan saw the exact moment he understood. The confusion was quickly replaced with a look of shock and a bright red blush.

"Wait what do you mean?" Connors eyes were wider than Evan thought possible.

"There's more than one Murphy kid" Evan was no longer looking at Connor but the floor.

"So you mean..."

"Yeah" Evans face was even redder than Connors, if that was even possible, when they made eye contact.


So I'm sorry to say but this story is nearing its end. I'd say about four full 1000+ word chapters and the main story will be over but I love this so much I'm probably going to extend it any way possible and definitely will have an epilogue. Oh and I have an announcement for those not reading my other book,

I've decided to start a klance fic! I don't know when the first chapter will be up because I'm having trouble starting without the help of my friend but be on the lookout, it will be called "Get a Room"

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