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 Needless to say, Larry was unhappy. As Connor was drying off, he heard Larry and his mom bickering and yelling at each other.

"Why now of all times? How could this even happen he was at school?!"

"Larry I'm sure he didn't do this on purpose please calm down"

"Are you sure he wasn't just trying to get attention? What if he did this just so he could leave school Cynthia?"

Just then, Connor came upstairs towel drying his hair, "Larry why are you being so fucking loud?" This resulted in his mother scolding him and Larry sending him back to school.

The rest of the day passed by in a blurr. During study hall he went to the scchool library and read. He saw the kid he shoved earlier come in and type something while talking to himself. Then the printed printed some paper. The top said 'Dear Evan Hansen,' and Connor relized that was the kid with the cast. He decided he wouldn't be a dick and give the paper to him.

"So," obviously startled by Connors voice, Evan jumped, "what happened to your arm?''

"Oh," Evan seemed anxious, but when does he not, "I fell out of a tree actually."

"Fell out of a tree? Well that is just the saddest fucking thing I've ever heard oh my god."

"I know." Connor could barely hear Evans mumbling

"Um no ones uh, signed your cast." Wow thanks captain obvious

"No I know"

"I'll sign it."

"No you dont have to"

"Do you, uh, have a sharpie?" Evan pulled out a sharpie and handed it to Connor. Connor grabbed hold of Evans arm a little rougher than necissary causing Evan pain. When Evan made it clear, Connor loosened his grip and signed his name in large letters, spanning the length of the cast.

"Thanks" Evan mumbled sounding unimpressed.

"Yeah well now we can both pretend we have friends," or maybe not pretend. Evan said something Connor couldnt quite understand and started to walk away. "Is this yours?" Connor held up the paper he found, "Um, I found it on the printer. Dear Evan Hansen thats your name."

"Yeah nonono thats just a stupid thing. It's just this paper that I have to write Its for an assignment." Every word Evan said was stuttered or rushed almost to the point of not understanding.

Connor started to read it. "At least theres Zoe? Is this about my sister?" He was starting to get mad. Though he may seem to hate Zoe, he's protective. She's his sister and he loves her.

"Nononono" Evans words were no longer seperate

"You wrote this because you knew that I would find it."


"Yeah, you saw that I was the only other person in the computer lab so you wrote this and you printed this out so that i would find it"

"Wh-why... Why would I do tha"

Connor inturrupted him

"So I could read some creepy shit you wrote about my sister and freak out right? And then you can tell everybody that i'm crazy right?!" Connor was yelling at this point and obviously scaring Evan

"No I-"

"Fuck you!" Connor ran out of the computer lab before Evan could respond, still holding the letter. Evan chased him screaming about needing it back and therapy. In a sudden burst of confidence, Evan grabbed Connors arm.

"C-connor please let me explain." Connor stops walking but doesn't look back. "I wrote this letter for therapy and the part about Zoe isn't meant t-to be creepy. I don't really have friends obviously and Zoe s-s-seemed like a nice person and I was really hoping to be her friend eventually because she's nice..." Evan kept rambling but Connor wasn't listening. He had already turned to face Evan, who didn't notice, as he was looking at the ground and picking at the hem of his shirt.


"W-what?" Evan finally looked up when he heard Connor speak for the first time since running off.

"I said okay. I believe you."

"C-can I have my letter back now?" Connor hands back Evans letter with a sigh.

"What if we didn't pretend to have friends?"

"W-what do y-you mean?" Evan was worried that he wasn't going to be able to keep from crying because no one wants to be his friend, even just pretend.

"Nothing nevermind. I have to go pick up Zoe."

"See you t-tomorrow?" Evan looked at Connor hopefully

"Yeah. See you tomorrow."


So the story should be picking up in the next chapter if all goes as planned. Connors thing

will be explained soon I promise

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