Gay Words

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"R-remember the first time w-we hung out at the orchard and I said I was b-bisexual? I think a better way to describe me is... M-Murphyse-sexual..."

"I thought you didn't like my sister anymore?"

"I don't"

"Wait what do you mean?"

"There's more than one Murphy kid"

"So you mean..."


They sat in silence for awhile until Jared yelled "Just kiss already!" from the hall, only to be scolded by Heidi. Breaking the eye contact, Evan got up to look in the hall and found his mom and best friend standing beside his bedroom door. "What are you two doing?"

"I just wanted to see if you would actually do it," Jared shrugged like he wasn't eavesdropping on a very private conversation, "I can't believe you said that."

"I'm just being a nosy mom. I'll leave now." She grabbed Jared and pulled him back to the living room. Evan sighed and turned back to Connor, who was still on the bed looking absolutely stunned but significantly less red. He looked as if he was still trying to process what had just been said to him and failing miserably.

"Connor?" Evan waved his hand in front of Connors face. "A-are y-y-you okay?" Connor finally snapped out of his thoughts.

"How did you even come up with that?"

"J-Jared did. I was t-texting him when I woke up." Suddenly the laughing Jared was doing made sense.

"Of course." Connor was picking at the already chipped black nail polish he was wearing. "That doesn't make it any less cute." Now Evan was blushing. A lot.

Evan tried to change the subject when he felt the anxiety growing in his chest. "So, um, anyways... have you seen that new movie? Wonder Woman"

"Uh yeah. But don't change the subject. I think we should talk about this?" Evan could feel the beginning of an anxiety attack. He knew his crush was about to reject him and he couldn't handle that. He knew he had just ruined the friendship he had with Connor, the only friendship he had made started of his own accord. Tears began to fall from his eyes and his breathing became unsteady.

"P-please don't... " He stuttered. "I-I ca-n't l-loose yo-u!" Evan was sobbing at this point and the only place he could look was his shaking hands.

There was a steady stream of tears running down Evans splotchy, red face while he was trembling and gasping for air. Seeing him like this broke Connors heart. He had the urge to hug him but didn't want to upset him further. "Evan... " he said calmly "Evan you're okay please calm down, I haven't even gotten to say anything yet." He sighed and paused for a minute before speaking. "I wanted to tell you that I'm like super gay for you. Like, really gay." He blushed as he declared this with a slight chuckle. And Evans breathing stuttered.

"W-w-wha? R-really?" He asked wide eyed as the tears began to slow. "Y-you aren't... j-just saying-saying that?" Connor smiled softly and nodded.

"I promise. I really mean it. There's no need in worrying." He hesitantly pulled Evan into a hug. Evan immediately wrapped his arms around Connor and buried his face in his chest. He was having a hard time getting his breathing steady, but this helped. The two stayed like that until Evan had stopped crying completely and was breathing normally. Evan was the first to pull away.

"Th-thank you Connor. I'm s-sorry you had to see that."

"Don't be, I-" He was interrupted by Heidi calling for them saying lunch was ready.


Super short I know I'm sorry but I just could not write. The text in between the two stars (whatever this looks like to you I guess ☆) was almost entirely written by Forever_A_Scone since I couldn't write a single word so go follow them and read their stories, they are my absolute best friend and I love them. Anyways I think I am almost done with this story but I still have my other two and will probably write more in the future. See you all next chapter!

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