Amusment Parks and Gay Thoughts

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Hey guys I'm so sorry this took so long I was having major writer's block for this story again so I made this chapter longer than usual with a grand total (not include my notes) 1823 words. Enjoy!
At 8:30, Jared Kleinman was knocking at the Hansen's door. When he got no response, he let himself in and began calling out for Evan and Connor, who were still in Evans bed, limbs tangled together. After checking every other room, Jared made his way to the bedroom.

Jared opened the door to find his two friends in the gayest pose he could imagine. Their limbs were tangled together and Evans face was in Connors chest. Both were asleep peacefully and looked as happy as a sleeping teenager could, with the small smile they were sporting. Jared woke them up, not without a picture of course, and told them to get ready soon and bring swimsuits. When he left, Evan turned to Connor, worried.

"Y-you sure you want to go? He will try dragging you into the w-w-water and I don't want to get wet today. We don't ha-have to go?"

"Nah it'll be fine I'll just like ride rides or something so you can do water stuff." Evan nodded and turned to his closet.

"Don't look or j-just leave I gotta change." Connor laughed and covered his eyes. Evan shut the door and went back to his closet, pulling off his sleep shirt to find another. Connor being the asshole he is, had uncovered his eyes. He was just on his phone, not watching Evan. He glanced up as Evan was taking off his shirt and immediately looked back down, his face a bright cherry red.

Evan had finished getting ready quick, lucky for him since Jared decided it was a good time to barge in unannounced. "Lets go losers I'm bored"

"Fuck off Kleinman."

"Connor, Jared, play nice today. I d-don't want any f-fights in public."

They all went and got in Jared's car since the amusement park was so far away. The ride was anything but silent, conversations ranged from memes to things they observed happening at school and even some rumors they hear in class.  

The ride took about twenty total minutes and as soon as they were inside the park, Evan was dragging Connor on all sorts of rides with Jared close behind. In almost no time, the three had ridden almost every ride in the park and Jared was begging to go to the water-park part.

"Jared you go ahead we can meet you there, okay?" This seemed to please the other, who nodded and ran off. "Alright Connor n-now its just us. Lets g-go ride stuff!" Evan grabbed Connors hand and dragged him to some more rides. Connor wasn't big on rides, he wasn't scared, he just didn't find them appealing. What he did find appealing though, was how excited Evan got. He didn't know if he'd ever seen Evan enjoy himself this much in the time he had known him, and he thought the excitement on Evans face was adorable.

They had one more ride to go on, the Ferris Wheel. If there was one thing Connor was scared of, it was a Ferris Wheel. No not heights, the Ferris Wheel itself. When he was in first grade, his cousin told him that Ferris Wheels come off their hinges and roll away all the time so Connor has always avoided them. Of course he knows now that it's not true but his fear remains. Evan was really excited about it though, so he pushed his fear to the back of his mind and went along with whatever Evan wanted. The ride went fairly well. Evan gushed about the view and rambled about how amazing trees looked from this high. Connor just fondly watched Evan, admiring the way his eyes lit up the second they got to the top and his face in general. There was no doubt that Connor thought Evan was the most attractive being on the planet. While he was lost in thought, Evan looked at Connor and smiled.

"Thanks for coming with us Connor. I'm so glad you're here." Connor took a minute to register what was just said but when he did, his face flushed to a bright red. He looked away so Evan wouldn't see the blush growing across his cheeks. Evan saw. Connor didn't see the light pink blush across Evans face though. The rest of the ride, neither looked at the other and it was silent, but, in a burst of confidence, Evan laid his hand on Connors, lacing his fingers between the others. Connor couldn't help but look at their hands and think how perfect they fit together.

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