Chapter 3

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Alex ached. Her morning training hadn't begun as early as Nat had threatened but that didn't mean she was going to be let off easy.

Natasha and Clint had become her main trainers about two years ago- in preparation for when she'd become an official Avenger when she turned sixteen. They had both been assassins, technically still were, and had a wide range of skills they claimed Alex needed to learn before she was allowed out on her own.

Thor oversaw her knife throwing when he could as he had the most skill in that area, it being an annual competition in Asgard. He was definitely Alex's favourite trainer, praising her for trying even if she missed the board and allowing her to take lots of breaks.

He didn't like to talk about why he did that, only saying "I've seen what bad parenting can do." when Alex asked, and Alex wasn't about to dig deeper if it meant she lost her breaks.

"Focus." Snapped Natasha as Steve once again managed to sneak up on Alex.

"I'm trying."

"Again then." Natasha began her flurry of attacks, successfully distracting Alex again as Steve began his prowl to attack her unprotected back. The worst thing was Natasha's attacks were so aggressive, that if Alex failed to block them then she was as good as gone anyway.

Steve's hand touched her shoulder and Alex feinted left, using one hand to block the incoming upper cut from Nat and grabbing Steve's hand on her shoulder with the other. If something was touching her, she could picture it and make it teleport, which is why Natasha got her onto the knives to begin with. Small objects didn't need to be touching her skin directly, but larger things- like a human- needed more skin contact and focus.

She yanked Steve's hand forward, and he teleported in front of her. Her hand was still covering his and she shoved him back as hard as she could, kicking him in the stomach too, sending him a few steps back. They were both in front of her now and that was easier to deal, their attacks were easier to fend off that way. Taking a defensive stance, Alex prepared for them to approach.

Natasha stood up straight, not even sweating as she bowed her head to Alex. "That would be better, but you're not supposed to use your powers."

"And, Alex, you don't know the enemy at all, not like you know me, so that attack would be futile if this were a real battle."

"Then what do you expect me to do? It's impossible for me to keep up with your-" Alex fluttered her hand in the direction of Nat, "attacks while keeping alert for other dangers."

"We keep training until you can. That's how I learnt."

"But I'm not like you, I have powers and you won't let me use them."

"Because you can't rely on them. Until you get more control-

"Why am I the only one expected to keep control, you even encourage it with Bruce."

"Hey," Steve butted in, moving in front of Natasha so Alex had no choice but to look at him, "No, that's not fair. You wouldn't say that if Banner was here. You know he can't control it, where as you can at least try to and it's wrong to compare the two situations. If Banner could control it, he would, and you know he would."

It was a crime he would never have kids, Alex decided. "You're right."

"I know I am. Go to your room," Alex was prepared to protest, but Steve was blinking rapidly at her and waggling his eyebrows.

"Oh..." she realised he was winking at her, or at least trying too, "I mean, oh no, my room. Well, if you insist."

"We'll be working on your acting skills this afternoon, Alex." Called Natasha after her, and as Alex turned to wave goodbye, she saw Steve hook his arm through Nat's and lean in to whisper something.

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