Chapter 41

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Wanda had felt pain before.

When she was seven, an older girl at school had found her diary about questioning who she loved. That girl hadn't touched her— no, that would have been too kind— but she'd told everyone in their small community about it, about what Wanda was.

When she was ten, she used to privately pray that something would end her life. The bombs that destroyed her home and killed her parents was middah k'neged middah, punishment for the entire community that had outcast the Maximoff family and indeed Wanda herself for the evil thoughts of death.

When she was fifteen, they had put her in the same room as the mind stone. They'd expected her to die like the ones before her, but pain had become a home by then and her experiences sheltered her from the pure power of one of the strongest items in the galaxy.

So yes, Wanda had felt pain before.

But this wasn't it.

Pain was something to be dealt with, a feeling that burned and weighed and scarred but at the end of it all, you could make it stop. Pain had its limits.

This...this was emptiness.

"Pietro?" Wanda whispered and that whisper became a scream as she fell to her knees. Her power was relentless, a wave of red that reverberated across the entire city.

The screaming trailed off and Wanda toppled onto her side, curling up as though she was a baby again, pretending she was someone who had never felt loss or heartbreak.

"I need you. Where are you?"

Her voice grew louder again, addressing the multiple destroyed Ultron's around her, "Where is my brother?"

Another wave of Wanda's power shook Novi Grad, pouring out of her like blood from a wound. It seeped through the streets, drowning those few who still remained in Wanda's mourning.

She had bled a thousand times in this city and now they would finally see and know and understand.

It was too late though.

It was too late for justice, or heroism, or even for Wanda to take everything back and kill them all, everyone who had let her brother die and so, let her die.

She was only empty.

"I need you." Wanda choked out, pressing her hands against her face to stem the tears "Please don't leave me, not like this, not now."

A person shifted in front of her. It looked like Pietro, but it was a Pietro made up of faint, fracturing shapes of white and blue. Her red magic weaved between the shapes, trying to draw them together and for a moment, Wanda saw Pietro's face formed by the shapes.

"My brother."

The shapes broke apart, the aura dispersed and Wanda was alone again.

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