Losing Control

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An icy metal slab pressed against her bare back scolding pain ran through every vein in her body flooding watergate of disorientation silenced her mind, slowly she tried to lift her hand to rub her eyes. Her hands were restrained by handcuffs unable to move. Sluggishly moved her head side to side forcing her eyes open. At first, everything was pitch black blazing light shined into her pupil, shapes in the room undimmed formed objects she could identify. A dark glass window is all she could see until two objects moved. There were people with a cart of needles, swabs, vials, and syringes. Nova tried to focus on the people's faces. Her eyelids felt heavy but if she was taken so was Wally. She had to find him. The uniform they were wearing wasn't police or any government agency she knew. A women voice's muffled out. Nova couldn't piece together what she had said. The women tied a tight rubber band around her arm and ready the syringes.

"Don't... please... my blood it can... kill you." Her voice shaky

The women back away from her arm. She must have passed out again. The next thing she could remember was opening her eyes to see a medium height women dressed in an all black with dark red hair to her jawline standing over her. The disorientation had passed, her facial features were clear. She gulped looking at the women.

At Catco Kara had been sitting at her desk trying to catch up on backed up articles Snapper had already sent over an hour ago. Steely blue eyes peeked over her cubicle searching the office for any impending eyes. She speed typed the reminding articles. Winn had been out sick she missed the friendly bantering. Snapper sent back minor edits. In a timely manner, she sent the final drafts to him. She looked over into his office to his the stank face he seemed to immediately make when he got her emails. He pulled down the glasses from his balding head to his nose read over the final draft. She slumped back into her chair, when she felt it, immense fear hit her like a semi-truck. Flying images of a gloomy room, needles, black uniforms, and two-way mirror. Her veins went icy cold, Kara gripped the arms of her chair, closed her eyes to slow down the imagines. The visions looked glossed over as if they had already happened. Kara froze for a moment when she saw her sister's face. Reality seeped back in, she released her grip on her armrest it was in pieces even the metal had been bent. The overwhelming fear did not escape from her gut lightly. She was trembling and another vision of her sister, caused her to shot from her chair rushing to the nearest exit. Outside of Catco, Kara quickly changed into her suit soared into the sky heading straight to the DEO. The flight doors open to the DEO, she landed gracefully considering the flight made her feel more panicked. She closed her eyes to envision the room, but her sister's heartbeat gave her location away. Two agents guarded the interrogation room. They weren't included to give away any information. Supergirl had influence with a pout she could get anything she wanted. They let her into the empty room adjacent to the interrogation room. She stepped closer to the two mirror, her eyes widen when she saw Monica strapped to the metal table like a lab rat. Her hand went to the glass stroking it with her thumb, "Who has done this to you?" She thought.

Back inside of the interrogation room, Monica kept her eyes on the red-head.

"Your blood kills people?" Alex bluntly said.

"Your blood kills people?" Alex bluntly said

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