Cravings Close to You

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The morning arrived blissfully, Monica turned her head to the side. Normally, she felt unsettled when she awake. This morning was different, memories of her being unstable didn't plunder her mind. She sat up on the couch, rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. Lena and Kara were still fast asleep on the couch. She stretched a few bones popping. They had spent the majority of the night talking opening about their growing feelings for one another. When Kara asked about her powers she honestly didn't want to answer. It wasn't because she wanted to keep it a secret. Even that Kara was Supergirl and couldn't be trusted. She just did not feel it was important. Yes, she had powers but discussing them made her uncomfortable. Lena heeded to her rescue by changing the subject.

At first, Kara couldn't understand why she'd wanted to keep it a secret. Just about everyone knew what Supergirl was capable of. It was front page news. Some reasons came to mind either it was a lack of trust. After all, they had just met. But, why keep it a secret from Lena? Nova didn't strike her as the dishonest type at all. It dawned on her, keeping it a secret kept everyone she loved safe. No one could underestimate or overestimate her. Lena could more than protect herself and so could she. Being a Luthor conditioned her to plan for the worst scenario among other things. It also meant power that provided influence that kept her safe. Throughout the night Lena spoke affectionately about Monica there love, passion, warmth, devotion. Lena had given off a more reserved vibe toward Kara since first meeting her. That wasn't the case with Monica. They'd crack up joking about Yale or Lex. Only Monica could effortlessly reveal the CEO's true nature. It was way more tender than Kara had originally thought. Compassion for others made her warmhearted. They didn't speak of the future or children Monica had seen so many nights. It was clear they each desired more from each other. Neither one of them wanted to push anything attachment grew with time.

It had only been a few hours since they had fallen asleep. Monica pictured the children she envision when her and Kara kissed. Lena was curled up next to her. She'd stood up cautiously then picked up Lena carried her to the bed. She returned to the living room carrying Kara laying her beside Lena in the bed tucked them both in together. Jarvis closed the auto shades, dampened the lights.

Nova looked over the sleeping women before heading to the bathroom. The shower awakened all of her sense. Lustful cravings for both Kara and Lena, made her slide her hand down her wet body. She wanted to taste Kara to slide her tongue inside of her as she'd squirm under the pleasure of it all while Lena observed. She stepped out of the shower changed into matching black & white aztec boxer briefs, soft bra, and black denim overalls. Finished up in the bathroom, she walked down to the main kitchen ate cereal eventually Wally joined her for breakfast. He asked how the night went. She just smiled. It was obvious they were still upstairs.

"That good?" He said playfully.

She left all of his questions unanswered rode the elevator back up to her apartment. Both, Lena and Kara were still asleep. She climbed into bed beside Kara. "Payback time." She thought.

Nova lifted up Kara's dress, grazed her hand up her milky thigh slowly. Direct currents emulated targeting her clit and nipples arousing her. She noticed Kara breathing double time. Her mouth opened trying to take in more air. Nova kept moving her hand upward stopping at her panties. Hovered her hand between Kara's legs surprised by her wetness. One finger stroked the wet spot on her panties, listened closely to her breathing. Gently rubbed circled around her clit. The tiny panties were now stained. Kara impulsively opened her legs wider. It crossed her mind to wake her. Instead, she slides her hand into Kara's panties right away slipping her finger between her slit. Her clit was throbbing while her pussy gushed more fluid. She made a lewd face, tilting her head back. Monica watched Kara getting off to her fingers. Without thinking she leaned in started kissing her vulnerable neck.

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