Secret Garden

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"Mmm," Monica groaned, turned over onto her back opened her eyes, seeing several burn marks on the ceiling. She sucked her teeth stretched searing pain stabbed her nerves. A helpless whimper was all she dared to let out. The entire bedroom was in a disarray from clothes to broken furniture. Slowly she turned her head to see Lena was buttoning up Kara's white shirt while she gracefully applied her lipstick. There was hardly any space between them they were sharing breaths. Kara could feel Lena's body heating up. Her nose twitched with the comforting smell of Lena, her ears heard the frantic sounds of her heartbeats when her eyes went from focused to clouded with hankering lust. "Kara.." Lena's hands dug into her hips with considerable force and Kara bit down on her own lip. "Kiss her already!" Monica shouted. Kara laughed, back up from Lena. There was the slightest disappointment in Lena's face, there was no way she was going to let it end like that. She stepped forward pressed her lips to Kara's gallantly. Monica watched those two kissing sent awakening urge to join them she gradually stepped her feet onto the floor. She noticed welts on the thighs tried to use her super speed but it only got her to the doorframe of the bathroom held on for dear life everything was aching. She honestly didn't know how she was going to make it to them. Monica was still naked from the night before she took a few steps into the bathroom keeping her eyes on her bruised legs. There were so many on her inner thighs it was excruciating to walk. She could feel Kara and Lena's guilt swirling in her gut. It wasn't until she saw herself in the mirror that she knew why they felt so guilty. She turned a bit seeing long scratch marks racked from her chest to her back. "Oh my goodness!" A ring of swelling shades of purple circled both of her wrists making her hands feel numb then there was her neck, Damn there was so many hickeys caked around her neck.

"Shit." Monica rolled her eyes at herself, cautiously headed toward the bathtub turned on the water. "Do I even want to know the damages to the bedroom?"

Kara was doing a mental inventory of all the marks she, herself, had left on her love. Their guilt kept disrupting her focusing on staying on her feet. "Say it," Monica demanded.

Lena cleared her throat, the scratches were all of her doing, "I'm sorry." Monica lowered herself into the tub soaked her aching body. She didn't need to hear it but they needed to say it to subside their guilt. "I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you." Kara sounded broken hearted by her actions. Monica had always appeared to be strappingly stronger than herself in so many ways it was tough to see her as human at times. Though, inspecting her body now there was no doubt in her mind that she was indeed human. "That's a silly thing to say you didn't hurt me. Last night is a bit of a blur for me but what I do remember is how loving you both were." Kara didn't expect those words. Monica stood up in the tub, water droplets drizzling down her bare toned body down back into the water the stretches had dissipated. She released the water stepped out of the tub tilted her head to the side using her vision to look at their naked bodies a devilish smirk came across her face. Kara came to realize Monica never held grudges with them. Time and time again she had forgiven her; kissing Mon-el, being inconsiderate, now this. Lost in that thought she didn't notice Lena's heart leap at the sight of Monica with lacy panties on her fingertip.

"It came to me in a dream. I was naked. You loved it." Monica smirked directing her words to Lena. The kind of irresistible smugness Lena found refreshing. She never once was intimidated by Lena more so challenged her powerful resolve every chance she got.

"You can't be serious." Lena raised her eyebrows folded her arms, "I have a board meeting today." Hearing herself, she knew those words meant very little to Monica.

Kara still wasn't quite sure what she was looking at. "I know it was you, Lena. You came up with the bright idea of last night."

"What are those?" She moved closer to her naked girlfriend being with Lena and Monica was the most sexual experience she had ever allowed herself to have. The fear of hurting her partner stuck in her mind when she accidently wounded James's hand. "Lena will show you, won't you little Luthor."

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