Recruitment Process

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Those were the last words Lena heard. She passed out quickly Monica caught her sped her to the bed. Instructed Javis to alert her when she awake or if her health changes. She returned to the living feeling more than guilty. It was risky to give a human that much sensation to the nerves. Deep down she knew Lena would be ok. Kara gave Monica a worried look, "She ok?"

"Yes, just needs rest. Jarvis is attending to her."

"I should go sit with her." Kara headed toward the bedroom, a tug at her arm pulled her right back to Monica. They landed into a kiss, not as soft as earlier, it was rough heated. Kara breaks the kiss for air. When her eyes opened Monica was gone. Stood there astounded by her speed. She joined Lena by the bed waiting for her to awake.


Monica knocked at Wally's apartment door on the fourth level. He answered it directly after the first knock. She asked for him to join her in the tactic room. They raced down to the secret room built around lead walls. It was completely hidden for any detection devices. Small circular lights were embedded into the floor. Metal cases alongside the left wall held their super suits. Monica had a few versions of her suits. Wally only had his Kid Flash suit. Monica was not fond of the design. She thought it made him seem like The Flash's sidekick. Even though, she knew Wally would one day become faster than Barry. She had faith in him. There was a round table in the center of the room with several chairs tucked in. A large screen displayed the world's countries. They heavily monitored terrorists around the globe. There was only a few target marked on the map. Monica added the coordinates Dirk had sent over to her. Jarvis controlled the graphics throughout the whole room. Weapons from swords, machine guns, axles, wooden sticks, rifles, knives, and ammunition locked up in an additional gun room. Four wall safes carried currency, passports, fake identities, and classified documents Monica collected from Beyond. The entire room was state of the art thanks to Jarvis.

Wally sat down in his favorite chair swirling around in it. He did not pay the addition target much attention. Monica came up with the plans when it came to where the team went. He hadn't been told to suit up so the meeting had a different purpose. She looked over the map intently.

"What's on your mind?"

"It's time Wally." She rotated to his directing eyeing him over, "Jarvis, the recruit files."

"Yes, Ma'am"

The maps graphics turned into a massive list of known villains and superheroes on all over the multiverse. Wall rose from the table joined Monica's side. He had no idea they would have so many to look through. Monica was well known on each other except for one's she hadn't been on yet. Each file had personal notes that Nova added. It was very specific from missions completed, characteristics traits, favorite drinks, past partners, arch enemies, fighting styles, and hospital records.

"Categorize them all by powers; Earth, Wind, Fire, Water."

"Yes Ma'am" Jarvis reorganized the list. There were hundreds of people to sort through.

"Eliminate the Water category altogether and all villains."

"Yes, Ma'am. Any other preferences?"

"Eliminate female applicants for now."

"Yes, Ma'am."

Wally quickly read over everyone's abilities and weaknesses. He reached for the screen and throw away ten candidates. She knew his training had served him well.

"Pick one and I'll pick one."

Wally read over all of them once more before selecting Starfox. "I want him."

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